Mojoverse Science Theatre 2099 by Mela

Episode 6: Triple Feature Finale

       - “Strong Spirit” by CosmicGiraffe/Hay Lin/HayLinAir

       - “Here’s My Heart” by Nina Bechtold

       - “Two Tainted Hearts” by Kate-chan 91


[Doors... and it’s the theater again.]


(ALL enter and take their seats.)

TOM: Only one more story left and then...

SARAH: Well, let’s hope it’s a short one.

BRIAN: And maybe just a *bit* good for a change.



> Two Tainted Hearts


BRIAN: And a stone-filled kidney.

TOM: That’s one sick Time Lord.



> A fan fiction by Kate-chan 91


> Disclaimer: Oh, come on-


LAURIE: “You’re actually reading this?”


>                          I’m just an AMERICAN 14-year-old

> schoolgirl;


SARAH: So, how many kids have you had by now?  Two?  Three?

DOUG: Tom, can I?

TOM: Go for it.

(DOUG smacks the back of SARAH’s head.)


DOUG: That was too harsh.  Sorry.


>             how can I be the ITALIAN Walt Disney Company Italy


BRIAN: As opposed to the BRAZILIAN Walt Disney Company Italy?


> that produces the W.I.T.C.H. comic?


LAURIE: Ah, I see someone slept through the class about the concept of ‘international’.


>                                     Those greedy lawyers, tsk,

> tsk, tsk…


TOM: “Wait, they’re parachuting into my yard!  I take it back!  *I take it back!*”



> Kate-chan 91’s tidbits (A/N):


DOUG: Funny, I thought the FDA outlawed those.

SARAH: Is “author’s notes” too hard now?


>                               First things first, I just turned

> 14 on August 25.


LAURIE: “To celebrate, I had my brain removed.”


>                  (I’m so happy of myself…)


BRIAN: Yeah, letting time pass sure is hard.


>                                            Second, you’re

> allowed to flame


SARAH: Whoo-hoo!


>                  as long as its not stupid stuff,


DOUG: We’ll do our best to give you the best flames possible.

TOM: I don’t believe this...

SARAH: I know!  I never thought they’d *invite* it!

TOM: That’s not what I meant...


>                                                   like one-

> worded reviews or general “YOU’RE A FUDGE-ING RETARD, FEMALE

> DOG!” flames, okay?


SARAH: Something tells me I’m gonna *love* this story... like I *love* rap.


>                     If this happens, not only will I delete your

> review,


BRIAN: Oh, no!  How can you be so cruel?!


>         I’ll also not accept flames anymore.


LAURIE: And that makes you different from everyone else on Fanfiction.Net... how?


>                                              Got it?


ALL: No.


>                                                      Okay!


(ALL groan.)



> Enjoy my story!


> Prologue: They Meet


> 0000


DOUG: We need the test booklet before we can fill any of those in.



> It’s a typical scene in the kitchen:


BRIAN: The oven’s on fire, the kids are having a knife fight, and Mom’s passed out in a pool of her own gin-filled drool.


>                                      Five young girls eating

> chocolate chip cookies with glasses of


SARAH: Vodka.


>                                        white milk.


LAURIE: Drink bigots.


>                                                    In-between

> bites and sips,


TOM: Not full-sized bites and sips - that’s rude.


>                 all three are in the midst of a conversation.


DOUG: (girl) “And then says, ‘Rommel, you brilliant bastard, I read your book’!”

(OTHERS, as girls, laugh.)


> You would think it was about the typical things teenage girls

> conversed about,


LAURIE: Ships, ceiling wax, cabbages, and kings...


>                  such as boys, the latest music,


SARAH: You know, stupid vapid girly stuff.


>                                                  and gossips

> about someone that allegedly did something dim-witted or awful,


BRIAN: You mean how the temp got out of trouble for deleting two years’ worth of expenses from the boss’ spreadsheet?


> but you’d be wrong this time;


TOM: This was a meeting of the Junior Nietzchean Society.


>                               these girls are not saying such

> things.


DOUG: They are *good* and *pure* and would *never* discuss such *base* topics!


>         Instead, the girls are talking about, of all things,

> their dreams.


LAURIE: Man, I hate when people do that.  So you dream about French class - big deal.



> Oh sure, you’re thinking why


BRIAN: Are we sitting here?

DOUG: Are you shifting point of view?


>                              the girls are talking about images

> produced by their subconscious’s,


TOM: (pause) Their subconscious’s *what*?


>                                   but unlike most people,


SARAH: Their dreams were actually interesting.

LAURIE: Yeah, right.

SARAH: Hey, my roommate had regular dreams about it raining dead birds.  Her need to tell me got me through my Creative Writing class!


>                                                           they

> each had a similar dream


TOM: (girl) “I dreamt I was falling!”

DOUG: (girl) “I dreamt you were falling, too!  And you were gonna land on me.”


>                          with the exact same object


BRIAN: (slowly and condescendingly) Archetype.  Jung called it an archetype.


>                                                     that they

> had never seen before.


LAURIE: Turned out to be a brain.


>                        In fact, they had to ask Yan Lin to

> sketch it to make sure they were not all going mad.


SARAH: (girl) “Funny, mine didn’t look that much like a stick figure.”



> As they were getting both scared & confused at the same time,


BRIAN: And running around the table screaming in blind panic.


> the youngest girl Cassidy’s Great-aunt Carole


DOUG: Wait, how can the great aunt be the youngest?


>                                               came strolling

> into the question. All five girls suddenly stopped their

> conversation,


LAURIE: Their Johnny Depp - Orlando Bloom slashfic would have to wait.


>               but the Great-aunt just smiled,


TOM: She’d seen Yan’s picture, and the anatomy was so wrong it was *adorable*.


>                                               & took out an

> object from her shirt pocket.


SARAH: Oh my God, it’s a pistol - and it’s loaded!



> “Was this what you were just talking about, hmm?” She asked the

> now just shocked girls.


DOUG: (girl) “Ew!  I thought you weren’t supposed to share that sort of thing!”



> Kadma was the first to speak,


TOM: She said ‘Mama’.


>                               or should I say stutter:


LAURIE: Hey, be nice to the stutterers, okay?


>                                                        “How-

> what-where did you get that!” to the elderly woman.


SARAH: She’s three question starters short, but she’s still a better inquirer than most TV reporters.



> The woman just giggled.


TOM: She hadn’t known what she was doing since the Centennial.

BRIAN: The Bicentennial?

TOM: No, the Centennial.


>                         “Girls, girls! This is just the Heart of

> Kandrakar!


DOUG: (Carole) “It’s on page twelve of your Eyewitness Guide to MacGuffins.”


>            Why are you all so scared?


BRIAN: (girl) “You forgot your clothes again!  Argh!”


>                                       You should be happy that

> you are the chosen ones to close the portals of the veil!”


LAURIE: That might actually be why they’re scared...

SARAH: (girl) “Okay, who forgot to mash Carole’s pills up into her oatmeal this morning?”



> “The what-what?”


LAURIE: The Dealie-deal.


>                  Nerissa asked with a raised brow.


TOM: Nerissa had a unibrow that put Sam the Eagle to shame.



> “Hmm? Oh silly me, I forgot to tell you the story!


DOUG: (Caarole) “And that story about the guy who sleeps with the girl he thought was his sister?  That was from ‘Passions’.  Sorry.”


>                                                    Terribly

> sorry… Anyway…” Great-Aunt Carole started before clearing her

> throat,


BRIAN: (Carole) “Hack... hack-hack-hack... a-HACK... GAG-HACK!  ACK!  ...  Ugh, coughed up another frog...”


>         “Generations, Centuries, even Millennia ago,


SARAH: (Carole) “I was born.”


>                                                      the

> universe was one.


DOUG: (Carole) “We threw it a big birthday party, even though it was too young to appreciate it.”


>                   However, one day the universe was separated

> since


LAURIE: It had married in a rush straight out of high school.


>       some people wanted to harm,


TOM: Any old thing they saw.  We called them ‘hockey fans’.


>                                   but others wanted to help &

> have peace.


BRIAN: We just called them ‘killjoys’.


>             As a result, two new worlds were created:


TOM: Target and Wal-Mart.  You can guess which one’s evil.


>                                                       Kandrakar

> for the good,


SARAH: Also known as South Jersey.


>               & Metamoor for the ones who sought destruction.


SARAH: Also known as North Jersey.

DOUG: What about Camden?

SARAH: Proof that evil can exist anywhere.


> The veil was then also created to


LAURIE: Reduce the glare for the evil world, since they hated sunlight.


>                                   provide a barrier between the

> two worlds,


DOUG: One that could be cut with a butter knife.


>             sort of like the Berlin Wall in some sorts.


BRIAN: (Carole) “I used to man a turret and pick off anyone trying to cross.  Ah, memories...”


>                                                         Every

> one thousand years however,


TOM: Guns N Roses puts out a new release date for ‘Chinese Democracy’.


>                             the veil starts to become weak, &

> holes called portals are created.


SARAH: And moths called monsters travel through them.


>                                   This is where you five come

> in.


TOM: (Carole) “You’re the bait.”


>     Now, the only one’s able to actually close these holes are

> called guardians.


LAURIE: (Carole) “They’re legally required to be teenaged girls with ordinary lives full of ordinary drama.”


>                   The guardians’ job is to close all these

> portals


BRIAN: Using those iron-on denim patches.

TOM: Those thing never work.

BRIAN: Maybe that’s why they have trouble every millennium.


>         to keep peace & prevent anything evil to invade the

> earth.


SARAH: (Carole) “Because Earth alone is good and pure, and all the other worlds *must* be evil!”


>        The time to act is now;


DOUG: The sale ends tomorrow, and everything will be picked over.


>                                you girls must be declared

> guardians immediately in order to


TOM: End the exposition, for the love of God, *please*!


>                                   get off on a good start.


LAURIE: (Carole) “A pre-emptive genocide will show those Metamoorians who’s boss!”


>                                                            The

> elements will be your allies in battle & leisure


BRIAN: Never again will you need to buy a lawn chair - the lawn will *become* your chair.


>                                                  from now on &

> forever.”


SARAH: By which time, you’ll loathe them.



> She pointed the Heart of Kandrakar to Halinor, telling her “You,

> Miss Kadma


DOUG: (Carole) “You’re Kadma, right?  You’re not?!  Oh, shoot - I always do that.”

BRIAN: *Someone* did their research after starting...

LAURIE: I get the feeling that most ‘Old Guardians’ stories have that problem.


>            will have the element of lush green earth.”


TOM: Unfortunately, she’ll now have to mow her lawn twice as much.



> “You, Miss Halinor,” she announced as she pointed it to her,


SARAH: (Carole) “Oh, *you’re* Halinor.  Okay, I think I’ve got it now.”


> “will have the element of bright fire.”


BRIAN: Fire bright...  Fire hurt!  Fire *bad*!



> “Miss Yan Lin, you will have the power of free air,” she

> declared.


DOUG: Especially after eating at Taco Bell.



> “My dear grandniece Cassidy, you will have the power of

> uncontainable & valuable water,”


TOM: (Carole) “Then we’ll send you into the future where civilization has collapsed, and water is currency - you’ll be a queen!”


>                                  she announced to the red-haired

> pig-tailed Cassidy.


LAURIE: Oh, she was the model for the Wendy’s logo.



> “& You, Miss Nerissa,


DOUG: (under his breath) Grrr...


>                       will find out your place very soon in the

> future.


SARAH: At K-Mart’s booth when the job fair rolls through town again.


>         Hold out your palm, Miss.”


BRIAN: (Carole) “I see a mansion and a limo and... >p-toi< there’s the swimming pool!”


>                                    She declared & concluded by

> giving Nerissa


SARAH: A gummy peach ring.


>                the Heart of Kandrakar, which was absorbed into

> her hand.


LAURIE: (Nerissa) “Yeeeouch!”



> And with that she left the room to give the girls some breathing

> room.


TOM: Her grandma-funk was starting to stain the wallpaper.


>       However, the girls left one-by-one


DOUG: Then walked back in dressed as farm animals.


>                                          for home since they did

> not want to talk about it immediately;


LAURIE: They wanted to talk to their lawyers first, see if they could get Carole committed.


>                                        they still couldn’t

> believe what just happened.


BRIAN: Funny, I’ve seen lots of crazy, senile old ladies babbling nonsense.


>                             Instead, the girls talked it over

> the next day


TOM: (girl) “So we’ll cut her brakes on her Oldsmobile tomorrow?”


>              & decided to practice their powers the day after

> that;


SARAH: I gotta give ‘em some credit - they’re some of the only superheroes I’ve seen nowadays excited about their powers.


>       they by then had to accept it was their destiny to become


BRIAN: Waitresses at Hooters.


> guardians of the veil.


LAURIE: A destiny they’d have the rest of the series to bemoan, so they’d just leave it out of the origin for now.



> End of Prologue


> A/N: Whoa!


ALL: Gah!

SARAH: What are *you* doing back?

DOUG: We want the next chapter!

SARAH: Uh... I won’t go that far.


>            You guys really thought I was going to start with

> Nerissa going bad?


BRIAN: Yeah - you can’t just rehash the first issue with that.


>                    Not for another chapter or so!


LAURIE: “I gotta try to pass more filler off as character development first.”


>                                                   Well, I hoped

> you liked it!


> Have a nice day!


TOM: Rings almost as false as a Wal-Mart greeter...



> Ja Ne!


> Kate-chan 91


> Note, September 28, 2005:


SARAH: Kate-chan attempted to walk and chew gum at once, tripped over her own feet, and choked to death.

TOM: No!  Bad!


>                           I’ve edited it with Santeen24’s

> help(She notified me of my pretty huge mistake in her review).


BRIAN: “Turns out you should actually read the source material before you write!  Weird, huh?”


> Thank you! (Throws you toast for the next two chapters)


DOUG: “So it can lure the plague rats.  How dare you correct me?!”



> Two Tainted Hearts


> A fan fiction by Kate-chan 91


TOM: Why do I get the feeling we’ll be hearing this a lot?



> Disclaimer: What’s the definition of the word “FAN fiction”?


(ALL laugh.)

TOM: Trust me - you do *not* want us to answer that.

LAURIE: Yeah.  It won’t be pretty.



> Kate-chan 91’s tidbits:


DOUG: Have been known to cause kidney failure in lab rats.


>                         Sorry if the prologue seemed rushed. --


SARAH: “I don’t have much of an attention span.”


> Anyway, in case you’re wondering, yes this is based on the comic

> version of W.I.T.C.H.,


BRIAN: “Which I’ve read all about on the Internet, ‘cuz it’s free.”


>                        but you don’t have to know what is going

> on in that version to understand this story


TOM: However, it will help if you’ve read the entire Hitchhiker’s Guide trilogy.

DOUG: To understand this story?

TOM: No - to recognize the difference between this and a *good* story.


>                                             since it’s just my

> own idea of what could’ve happened


LAURIE: Except for the names, it’s 100% canon connection free!

SARAH: It’s actually based entirely off of an episode of ‘The 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo’.


>                                    before our favorite guardians

> became the current guardians of the veil.


BRIAN: According to the comics, *everyone* was miserable.  Thank God that’s over.


>                                           Also, Hay Lin’s

> grandma was also a guardian at this time,


LAURIE: “Oh my God, I totally missed that!  They really hid that one.”


>                                           so you guys get to

> read about Young Grandma! XD


DOUG: Uh... yay?



> Well, here’s the first chapter! Enjoy.


SARAH: A sickness bag has been attached for your convenience.



> Chapter One: Two Months Later


> 1111


TOM: Oh, joy.  Novelty dividers.

BRIAN: When stars just aren’t cutesy enough.



> Nerissa, Kadma, Halinor, Yan Lin & Cassidy were on their way

> home from school


LAURIE: Walking in a straight line in that exact order.


>                  when Nerissa suddenly grabbed her hair and

> winced in pain.


DOUG: (Nerissa) “This conditioner’s too heavy!”


>                 All five girls obviously knew what this meant


SARAH: (girl) “Great, Ris is having another episode.  Better put a wallet under her tongue.”


> since Cassidy stated “Uh-oh, Nerissa getting her headaches

> again!


BRIAN: (Cassidy) “That meant lunch had MSG in it!”


>        That must mean a portal is nearby…”


LAURIE: And surely that’s more important than Nerissa choking on her tongue.



> In response, Kadma tugged at her long black hair


DOUG: She liked to pretend her braid was a bell pull.


>                                                  and asked her

> Asian friend Yan Lin


TOM: Oh, Yan’s her ethnic friend.

BRIAN: Actually, Kadma’s Indian.

TOM: So they’re each other’s ethnic friend?


>                      to pull out the map Cassidy’s great-aunt

> handed to her the day after they became guardians.


BRIAN: My God...  It *is* just a rehash of the early issues!

LAURIE: Nuh-uh!  It’s totally different ‘cuz, like, Carole didn’t die!


>                                                    Yan Lin

> obeyed by pulling the map out of her book-bag and carefully

> observed it.


SARAH: (Yan) “Wait, this just has Sonic Drive-In locations on it...”


>              Gazing her eyes across the page one coordinate at a

> time,


DOUG: Maps work best as lists of GPS coordinates, not visual representations of land masses.


>       she noticed a tiny light near their location.


BRIAN: (Yan) “Halinor, watch where your cigarette ashes go!”



> Bingo.


TOM: Yan just won a bag of chips!



> “Yep, portal number seven is just down the street!


LAURIE: Across from the Wa-Wa.

SARAH: Cool!  They can pick up Shortis when they’re done.


>                                                    Let’s go!”

> Yan Lin informed her friends.


DOUG: (girl) “Uh... yeah.  You do that.  I’m gonna go alphabetize my jewelry by gemstone.”



> All five girls ran until


SARAH: They were miles away from the portal.


>                          they found the open portal that

> happened to be in the subway.


TOM: Great, they’ll have to fight their way through a crowd of Morlocks and CHUDs to get to it.


>                               Not wanting to see any monsters

> come out of this portal


LAURIE: They wore blindfolds.


>                         before they managed to close it,


DOUG: Too late.  Man-eating hellbeasts are already belching outta that thing and gnawing on their calves.


>                                                          Nerissa

> held out her right palm,


BRIAN: (singing) Stop!  In the name of love...


>                          & the glowing Heart of Kandrakar

> emerged.


LAURIE: Don’t do that - hellbeasts love shiny objects.


>          Nerissa then yelled “Heart of Kandrakar, do your

> thing!”


SARAH: That is the lamest called attack *ever*.

DOUG: Its ‘thing’ turns out to be changing color and playing ‘Disco Inferno’.


>         and teardrops in the colors of blue, silver, orange,

> green and hot pink shot out from the Heart of Kandrakar towards

> each girl.


TOM: Those aren’t magic - those are paintballs.

LAURIE: (girl) “Ouch!  Stingie!”



> Cassidy’s blue teardrop surrounded her with blue waves of water

> as she yelled


BRIAN: (Cassidy) “Oh my God, I’m drowning!”


>               “Water!”


> Halinor yelled, “Fire!”


DOUG: Bang!


>                         as the orange teardrop engulfed her in

> orange, red & yellow flames.


SARAH: Instead of puce, mauve, and burnt umbre flames?

TOM: Good thing she jellied her skin this morning.



> “Earth!” Yelled Kadma as a hurricane of grass, flowers & wood

> scents from her green teardrop circled her.


LAURIE: That’s not magic, either.  That’s a lawnmower bag exploding.



> Yan Lin was in a cyclone of silver wind & smoke as she cried,

> “Air!”


DOUG: (Yan) “I need air!  This stuff smells worse than stage smoke!”



> Finally, Nerissa, the leader was bounded by the waves of pink

> electricity from her hot pink teardrop.


TOM: The concussive force of the pinkness knocked her out, so she couldn’t call out her element.



> During their transformations,


BRIAN: Can I ask for you all to avoid making jokes about long transformations and villains exploiting them?  They’re tired.

TOM: Sure, fine.


>                               all five girls clothes dissolved &

> were replaced by fuchsia and turquoise midriff bearing outfits &

> green and yellow leggings.


SARAH: That way, blind people could hear their costumes.


>                            Butterfly-like wings tugged and

> formed on their backs


DOUG: So their clothes were their cocoons?


>                       as their bodies physically enhanced, more

> beautiful, more mature.


LAURIE: More safely marketable in cheesecake poses.


>                         Finally, when they became guardians

> instead of the daughters, nieces & sisters


TOM: (singing) Girls, you’ll be guardians soon...


>                                            that virtually

> everyone knew them as,


BRIAN: And as the ring of bank robbers that only a few knew them as.


>                        all five were ready & broke out of their

> transformation’s hold on them


DOUG: It had them in a headlock.


>                               & got into a fighting stance.


SARAH: Their dainty, feminine fighting stance.



> Immediately, the now-transformed guardians


BRIAN: De-transformed.

TOM: D’oh!


>                                            stepped next to each

> other and


DOUG: Formed a kickline!


>           concentrated all their energy on the eerie bluish

> white portal.


LAURIE: I gotta give the story this much - it’s not all *pale* again.


>               Simultaneously, waves of pink, blue, green, orange

> and silver energy


SARAH: If anything, it might benefit from a bit more paleness at this point.


>                   burst from their palms


TOM: Hadouken!


>                                          and combined to form a

> huge white wave.


DOUG: Oh, no, they’ve started the Crisis!  Run!


>                  The wave of their united magic hit the portal,


BRIAN: And they were charged with assault on an otherworldly body.


> causing it to close for good… for now.


DOUG: Mwa-hahahahah!



> “Whoo-hoo! Seven down, five to go!” Yan Lin tiredly whooped with

> the last of her energy.


LAURIE: Yan was in a coma for the rest of the week.



> Obviously, all of five guardians became exhausted from their

> effort,


TOM: Pointing and zapping is harder than it looks.


>         so when they transformed back to their normal selves,


SARAH: They fell asleep standing where they were.


> they sat down in the library


DOUG: (girl, dimly) “Thinky books... that’ll make us sleep!  Tee-hee!”


>                              and started talking


LAURIE: (librarian, shrilly) “No talking in the library!”


>                                                  about that

> day’s rarely easy battle.


BRIAN: And hasty, easy to describe battle.



> “Ugh…I hope that was the last one-


TOM: (Nerissa) “If all the fight scenes are that break-neck, I’ll get even more exhausted.”


>                                    if I get one more headache

> like that,


SARAH: (Nerissa) “My brains will liquefy and run out of my ears onto the floor.”


>            I’m definitely going to faint next time!’


DOUG: (Nerissa) “Look!  I’m so woozy my quotes have gone wonky!”


>                                                      Nerissa

> complained to her fellow guardians and friends.


TOM: (teeth gritted) For the twenty-eighth time this week...



> “You may feel that way, Nerissa,” Halinor said,


LAURIE: (Halinor, laughing) “But watching you wince is hilarious - you should see your face!”


>                                                 “but we’re so

> close to closing all twelve portals!


BRIAN: (Halinor) “Then we can fight the boss and go to the next level!”


>                                      If you can last through

> five more-“


DOUG: (Halinor) “We’ll get cupcakes.”



> “I know, I know, Halinor, but you have no idea how terrible they

> are feel!”


SARAH: (Nerissa) “Now I must be talk in the Engrish!  It will have cause damage to my the center brain of speech!”


>            Nerissa interrupted. “Why can’t this “all-powerful-

> concentration of energy” called the Heart of Kandrakar just


BRIAN: (Nerissa) “Text me a warning.”


> signal wherever a portal is


LAURIE: Magically draw a dotted line to it like in ‘Family Circus’.


>                             so we can just close it and get on

> with our lives?


BRIAN: Their full, rich, entirely off-screen lives.


>                 How hard is that to ask!”


DOUG: Well, for starters, it’s pretty long-winded...



> Cassidy chimed into the semi-argument


SARAH: (Cassidy, a la NBC chimes) “Bing, bing, bong.”


>                                       agreeing with Nerissa with

> “You know, she does kinda have a point there…”


TOM: I don’t know... she sounds like a knock-off of a Marvel hero to me.


LAURIE: What’s that mean?

TOM: Let’s face it - Marvel’s good guys whine a *lot* about being burdened by their heroics, kind of like Nerissa here.

DOUG: And after reading enough DC, I can say that’s the biggest difference.  You realize just how old it gets.

BRIAN: Hmph.



> Kadma interrupted even further, reminding them,


LAURIE: (Kadma) “It’s rude to interrupt... oh, shoot!”


>                                                 “I think we

> should get some books for our biology reports due next Friday.”


DOUG: The fifty-page research page on cellular osmosis that was assigned two months ago and counts for half of your final grade?



> Nerissa sighed and got up rubbing her head.


BRIAN: (Nerissa) “Man, my hair feels soft.  I could rub it all day.”


>                                             “My head’s still

> hurting either because of this talk


SARAH: People not blindly agreeing with her gave her a pain.


>                                     or from sensing the portal…


LAURIE: What, another?

BRIAN: Alright!  Another two-sentence, non-violent fight scene!


> I’ll see you guys at school tomorrow…”


SARAH: (Nerissa) “Unless I, y’know, have a stroke or something ‘cuz of all these portals...”



> 1111


> When she got home, Nerissa walked upstairs to her room


TOM: Don’t go in there!  Mr. B Natural is in there!


>                                                        and

> plopped right onto her bed.


DOUG: Nerissa!  Use the bathroom for that!

SARAH: Ew, gross!


>                             Before taking a nap, she wondered,


BRIAN: (Nerissa) “I’m not even *in* Biology...”


> Why do I have to be the leader


LAURIE: Well, duh.  Your powers are the vaguest.


>                                & get these stupid headaches

> before we find a portal?


DOUG: Because any more, whining passes for drama.

SARAH: Oh, *you’re* a fine one to talk.

DOUG: You wanna take this outside, dialogue-free wonder?

TOM: Stop it *now*.


>                          She then glared at her hand, still

> complaining


SARAH: (Nerissa) “Stupid granny spit took forever to wash off, too.”


>             If this is Heart of Kandrakar is so powerful, how




> come it can’t




>               solve my




>                        problems? Sigh… I guess I’ll try to

> figure that out after


LAURIE: (Nerissa) “I finish with that cure for cancer.”


>                       school tomorrow…I need…


BRIAN: A beer?


>                                               sleep…


BRIAN: And a beer.



> And with that, the girl was snoozing in Dreamland.


TOM: Riding on a walking bed with Little Nemo and Flip.



> End of Chapter One


> A/N: I hope you thought it was better than the prologue…


SARAH: Don’t get your hopes for that up too high.


>                                                          After

> all, you can’t judge something by its first chapter.


LAURIE: You’d be surprised how wrong that statement is.


>                                                      I also

> promise it’ll get better later on.


BRIAN: “And that I’ll saw Manhattan in half, too.”


>                                    Also, I want to give out

> toast to everyone


TOM: To protest low-carb diets.


>                   from the Disney Comics Worldwide forums,


BRIAN: “Thanks for reading all the comics for me, guys - I would’ve, but the mall cops caught me trying to leave.  They wanted *me* to *pay* - can you *believe* that?!”


>                                                            the

> people on like Harryrulesmyworld


DOUG: You know what scares me?  That, one day, a name like that will be a given name.  I just *know* it.


>                                  & my friends like Patricia &

> Nicola for supporting me.


LAURIE: And having oddly normal names.

SARAH: ‘Kate-chan’ isn’t odd.

LAURIE: But is does force use of a Japanese suffix.


>                           (Throws you guys toast)


TOM: Wrong scene!  It’s the wedding speech where you do that!



> Please review before going, and have a great day.


DOUG: I mistook the suggestion box for a vomit box.  Does that count as a review?



> Ja Ne!


> Kate-chan 91


> Two Tainted Hearts


> A fan fiction by Kate-chan 91


BRIAN: Catering by Kate-chan 91.  Kate-chan 91 courtesy of Kate-chan 91’s parents.

DOUG: Proofreading courtesy of no one.



> Disclaimer: Oh, come on,


SARAH: “Do you actually expect me to write a real disclaimer?  I’m busy being wacky here.”


>                          the only character I own is Cassidy’s

> Great-Aunt Carole.


LAURIE: The colorless plot device?  You must be so proud.



> Kate-chan 91’s tidbits (A/N):


DOUG: Are being boycotted by cat owners nationwide.


>                               Woo-hoo!


BRIAN: Donuts!


>                                        My first two reviews for

> this story!


SARAH: “What does ‘soul-crushing rubbish’ mean?”


>             Well, here’s the toast & replies to the reviewers!


> Cornelia’s #1 Fan:


LAURIE: So... Caleb, then?

BRIAN: Don’t *ever* mention that again.


>                    Thank You for reviewing! (Throws you toast)


TOM: A thank-you card is a bit more traditional.



> Santeen24- Thank you for telling me my HUGE flub!


LAURIE: Unfortunately, the story will *not* be deleted.


>                                                   I forgot all

> about that!


BRIAN: Well, in Kate-chan’s defense, she probably started skim reading summaries, got distracted by a flashing banner ad, and then read a website translated from Hungarian that made up crap.


>             I corrected it shortly after you reviewed. (Throws

> you toast)


TOM: Will you quit doing that?  It’s not funny.



> This was originally going to be the third chapter, but I changed

> my mind for some reason.


DOUG: She finally learned how to count!



> Thank you once again! Now, I’ll present the second chapter of

> Two Tainted Hearts. Enjoy!


SARAH: Please turn off all cell phones, pagers, cameras, and life support equipment.

TOM: Heckling, however, is permitted under the Waldorf-Statler Act of ’76.



> Chapter Two: A Premonition at Kandrakar


DOUG: Vocab word!  Vocab word!



> 2222


> In the Temple of Kandrakar, two men were in the center room,


LAURIE: Admiring the massive Faberge egg collection.


> which was also known as the


SARAH: TV room.


>                             Circle of Knowing.


BRIAN: It was filled with smart things, like big books and old globes.


>                                                One of them was

> Tibor,


TOM: Cousin of Tobor and heir to Elektro.


>        who was the other’s advisor, or consultant,


BRIAN: Or lick-spittle.


>                                                    and the

> second was known as the Oracle.


DOUG: He was filling in for Barbara Gordon while she was on vacation.



> Wise and all knowing,


DOUG: And *hot*... if we’re talking about Barbara.

SARAH: Doug?  We aren’t.  Stop.


>                       the Oracle was the person responsible for

> creating the majestic world of Kandrakar


LAURIE: It took him more glue and toothpicks than anyone else in the Build-a-World contest, but knew it’d be worth it.


>                                          and the currently

> weakened veil all those years ago.


TOM: Not once had he even thought of going to the store and buying something to patch it.


>                                    Despite being centuries old,

> age didn’t affect his physical features; he still seemed young

> after all these centuries.


BRIAN: Because the Oracle gets a full night’s sleep and drinks his V-8.


>                            He watched the lives of billions

> daily without a heartbeat,


SARAH: He’s watching corpses?

LAURIE: another weird voyeur...


>                            but as he was in the center of that

> temple,


DOUG: He had to avoid the juicy stuff in case someone saw him.


>         he divided his attention to the five guardians of the

> veil.


DOUG: Or not...



> The surveillance of the girls Nerissa, Cassidy, Kadma, Halinor

> and Yan Lin was


TOM: Surprisingly dull.  Two of the officers fell asleep.


>                 divided into distinctly colored circles of light

> around the Circle of Knowing.


SARAH: (bombastic) Television of the *future*!


>                               In the blue one, Cassidy, who

> controlled water,


BRIAN: Uh... I think we’ll remember the color-coding for the rest of the story.

SARAH: Yeah, but what about the author?

BRIAN: Touche.


>                   baked cookies with her younger brother and

> great-aunt.


LAURIE: Mealworm cookies with Italian dressing glaze - Carole’s favorite.

DOUG: Of course, Carole hadn’t tasted anything since she was thirty.


>             Green light surrounded a vision of Kadma,


TOM: She was irradiated.


>                                                       the

> guardian whom controlled earth, studying for her biology project

> in the local library.


SARAH: (Kadma) “Huh... turns out the knee bone *isn’t* connected to the shin bone.”


>                       The silver-colored circle pictured Yan Lin

> starting to eat Chinese food for supper with her parents and

> grandmother.


BRIAN: Even now, we’re being served a piping hot plate of Rehash.


>              Halinor was pictured in the orange-colored circle

> reading in a drab library cubicle.


LAURIE: (Halinor, reading) “One Hundred Easy Steps to Dynamic Characterization.”


>                                    Finally, the hot-pink circle

> symbolizing the Keeper of the Heart,


TOM: You sure it wasn’t heart-shaped?


>                                      the girl named Nerissa,


BRIAN: Who lived with her divorced mothe- I mean, *father*, and who collected frogs- sorry, *lizards*...

DOUG: So unless the characters can have their present-day equivalents’ families grafted on to them, they’re banished to the library?


> appeared with her apparently thinking about using the Heart

> before dozing off.


SARAH: (Nerissa) “Maybe the Heart can help me find the lowest car insurance plan...”


>                    The Oracle, feeling sad emotions from the

> girl,


LAURIE: She desperately wanted a life of her own, not Will’s cast-offs.


>       waved a hand over her circle of light.


TOM: (Oracle) “Well, enough of this crap...  Time for ‘American Gladiators’.”



> “What’s wrong?” Tibor the trusted advisor asked.


DOUG: (Tibor) “Anything another deep-tissue massage can fix?”


>                                                  “The guardians

> seem like they’re doing fine.”


BRIAN: (Tibor) “Why, even those two homeless girls found a place to stay.”



> “It’s Nerissa, Tibor.” the high-ranked Oracle retorted.


TOM: (after a long, baffled silence) I guess nigh-omnipotent types have very different senses of humor than we do.

DOUG: Or they like completely bizarre nonsequitors.


>                                                         “She’s

> considering using the Heart for her own needs.”


SARAH: So the girl needs a night light - big deal.



> “Are you sure? It looks like she just had an awful day


DOUG: (Tibor) “Because of the migraines *we* gave her, but still...”


>                                                        and wants

> to forget about it.”


LAURIE: (Oracle) “Then she should consider alcoholism.”



> “I read her thoughts, Tibor.


BRIAN: (Oracle) “Never before have I encountered a single person with such an intense hatred of Seattle.”


>                              She wants to start using it after

> she comes back to her home.” He replied quietly.


TOM: (Oracle) “Don’t you see how dire this display of free will is?”



> “Should we keep an eye on her, Oracle?” the advisor questioned.


DOUG: Dude, stop salivating.



> “I believe so.


LAURIE: (Oracle) “Be extra careful to watch her in the shower - I just have a hunch.”


>                Only time will tell what will happen;


BRIAN: (Oracle) “Either she’ll go nuts and kill someone, or she’ll ascend to god-hood.  Could go either way.”


>                                                      I could

> sense pain emitting from her.”


SARAH: So instead of reaching out to her and trying to help her, let’s just further abuse her by treating her with unrelenting suspicion.

LAURIE: Just like any given educational body.



> Looking at her circle for one final time,


TOM: (Oracle) “Huh.  This conveniently doubles as a pentacle.”


>                                           he expressed silently

> emotions of worry for her mentally.


(ALL snicker.)

DOUG: Instead of mouthing what he’d say?


>                                     While he cared for all five

> of the guardians, as did everyone else at Kandrakar,


BRIAN: All card-carrying members of the fanclub!


>                                                      and he also

> was constantly concerned about them,


LAURIE: And if they were overdressed.


>                                      he was currently more

> worried about the Keeper of the Heart’s future


SARAH: With grades like hers, she’ll never get into nursing school.


>                                                more than

> anything else at the moment.


DOUG: Well, except for that ‘Modern Marvels’ marathon tonight.


>                              After all, there was no telling

> what she would do with the Heart of Kandrakar’s powers


BRIAN: Is it really that bad to jump someone’s battery with it?


>                                                        if she

> really did keep to her cerebral promise…


TOM: That wasn’t a promise so much as a Peter Parkerian moment of whininess.

DOUG: It’s the sleep.  Oracle hates when they sleep.



> End of Chapter Two


> A/N: I really need to


SARAH: Shut up?


>                       give thanks to LordHenreich from the

> Disney Comics Worldwide forums;


BRIAN: “Thanks for helping me keep bluffing my way through this.”


>                                 this is one awesome guy that is

> fun to talk with online.


LAURIE: He was featured on Dateline!


>                          Because of this, he earns toast and a

> Ruby and Golden Red Panda Statue with “100 Red Panda Approved!”

> nailed onto it.


TOM: Okay,, now it’s official.  Not only is the author long-winded everywhere *except* the story, annoying, and lazy by implication, but *this* officially shows she’s around the U-bend.


>                 This is my ultimate award stating they’re

> officially my ally and pal online.


SARAH: “You’ll serve as my human shield against all the people I annoy.”


>                                    (Throws you gifts the gifts

> from the comp monitor)


DOUG: Then is dragged by pissed-off mother to Staples to buy replacement monitor.



> Well, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter (especially since

> it’s not my best work),


BRIAN: If this isn’t your best, I’d hate to see your worst.


>                         and don’t forget to review before you go

> on with your lives


SARAH: That’s exactly what we’re being forced to do right now.

TOM: If we had our way, we’d run screaming into therapy after this.


>                    (if you have the ability to do so that is).


DOUG: (deadpan) No, please.  Tell me about Nerissa’s fall from grace, or I shall not eat for a week.


> After all, it’s usually the reviews that give me the confidence

> I’ve done something right


LAURIE: “And feed the ravenous beast that is my ego.”


>                           or need to correct an error,


BRIAN: However sloppily...


>                                                        like in

> Santeen’s case.


TOM: Santeen’s reward?  Having imaginary bread products thrown at her by a lunatic.



> Ja Ne!


> Kate-chan 91


> Two Tainted Hearts


> A fan fiction by Kate-chan 91


> Disclaimer:


SARAH: By the time this story is over, you will *hate* Kate-chan.

TOM: Think of it this way - one day, in a future with even more thorough background checks, this story will prevent her from getting or a job.  Maybe both.

SARAH: Hmm... that might be fair...


>             This is a by-product of my mind with existing

> characters; get it in your head, already!


LAURIE: Only if you finally swallow your pills.

DOUG: We wrapped them in Velveeta for you...



> Kate-chan 91’s tidbits: Woo-hoo! I updated again!


BRIAN: Good to know *someone’s* happy.


>                                                   Well, here’s

> the toast & replies to the reviews!


DOUG: Is it wrong that I really want that toast to be soaked in antifreeze?



> Cornelia’s #1 Fan: I’m glad you liked the last chapter! (Throws

> you toast again)


LAURIE: “Okay, who else wants toast?  Anyone?  ...  Anyone?”



> Thank you once again!


SARAH: “You will be the last to die.”


>                       Now, I’ll present the third (but

> definitely not last)


(ALL groan loudly.)


>                      chapter of Two Tainted Hearts. Enjoy!


> Chapter Three: School and the Start of Misuse


TOM: Oh, joy.  What sort of heavy-handed afterschool special reject will *this* be?

DOUG: Hopefully, it’s at least as bad as ‘Bad Ronald’ was.



> 3333


> It was the dawn of a new day,


BRIAN: A new day...  The foreshadowing is a little more heavy-handed...

SARAH: The author’s notes are a little more obnoxious...


>                               and the girls were in their

> homerooms undergoing


TOM: Reprogramming.


>                      the ever so boring and unneeded roll call.


LAURIE: (teacher) “Now, how am I gonna do my Ben Stein routine if none of you have last names?”


> As Nerissa and Cassidy’s homeroom teacher Mr. Robbins


SARAH: The teacher from Jeweler’s Row with the diamond in his beard.


>                                                       called out

> his student’s names,


DOUG: (Mr. Robbins) “My God, how many of you are named Sean?”


>                      Cassidy was passing notes to another friend

> of hers


TOM: It said, “Book drop at 10 - viva la revolucion!”


>         and Nerissa was pondering


BRIAN: (Brain) “Are you pondering what I’m pondering, Pinky?”

LAURIE: (Pinky) “I think so, Brain, but couldn’t you learn everything in eighth grade if you stayed long enough?”


>                                   & scribbling down


TOM: Her signature recipe for tangy mustard salad dressing.


>                                                     about what

> she was going after school


DOUG: She was going watch TV.


>                            with the Heart of Kandrakar.


SARAH: Atlas would be crushed to death by foreshadowing this heavy.



> “What’s that?” the girl next to her, who also happened to be

> looking over her shoulder, asked innocently.


BRIAN: (girl) “Sure doesn’t look like notes for our history test today...”

LAURIE: This girl was Katie, who instinctively knew that *she* should be the Keeper of the Heart and would be back to save the day!

TOM: Don’t!  If you describe it, you’ll will it into existence.



> Nerissa grabbed and put away the purple notepad she was writing

> on.


DOUG: Nerissa kept her enemies list on floral print paper that was simply *charming*.


>     “Uh… just random stuff to try to clear my mind from really,

> really stupid ideas.”


SARAH: (Nerissa) “I call it ‘Two Tainted Hearts’ - it’s a sort of story.”


>                       She nervously chuckled as she attempted to

> have the girl leave her alone.


BRIAN: For some reason, not even punches to her face could convince her to leave.



> The girl blinked at her


LAURIE: Oh, no - the dreaded Gambino Blink of Death!


>                         before going back to looking at the

> white ceiling.


TOM: (girl) “Yep, my pencil’s still up there.”



> Okay… Nerissa thought.


(DOUG makes ‘creaking gear’ noises.)


>                        Roll call’s a little too boring and long-


SARAH: Why?  Are there seven hundred students in their class?

DOUG: The teacher likes to spell out their names.


> how about I speed it up as yet another contribution to society?


TOM: To go along with Nerissa’s many years of unpublished charity work.



> The black-haired girl pointed her index finger under her table

> towards the clock.


LAURIE: Either that’s a tall table, or she is in a really awkward position.


>                    A pink bolt of energy then emerged and zapped

> towards the clock,


BRIAN: But hit the teacher instead and turned him into a chicken.


>                    making time speed up on the face.


DOUG: (annoyed) Oh, for the love of...


>                                                      Similar to

> a strain of the flu,


SARAH: This new development made readers need a sick pail?


>                      the pink energy then started affecting the

> remainder of the clocks in the school;


TOM: Watches, however, remained unaffected, just like *time itself*.


>                                        as a result this caused

> the middle-aged principal Ms. Knickerbocker


BRIAN: Wait, she was alive *and* in charge when the *grandmom* of one of the present-day heroines was a kid?!

DOUG: Maybe she’s Gallifreyan and regenerated.

SARAH: But I thought the Doctor was the onl-

DOUG: (angrily) What have I told you?!

SARAH: (annoyed sigh) The new ‘Doctor Who’ series is not allowed to exist within these walls.

DOUG: Right.  So their principal is a Time Lord.

SARAH: (under her breath) Fan wanker.


>                                             to turn on the

> intercom to call out that morning’s announcements faster than

> usual.


LAURIE: This entire school is filled with morons.

TOM: The softball coach was *furious* that his copy was butchered.


>        Nerissa just slyly smiled


BRIAN: (Nerissa, dimly) “Duh...  I make time move fast...”


>                                  as everyone was talking about

> how time seemed to pass by a little faster at that moment.


SARAH: Because not a single person in those walls had any inborn sense of how much time had passed, and they were totally dependent on clocks to even understand what time was.


>                                                            On

> the other side of the room,


DOUG: Where they couldn’t see the clock...


>                             Cassidy, the only person who

> attentively noticed the event,


LAURIE: Was too busy reading ‘Teen Vogue’ to care.


>                                copied the expression on

> Nerissa’s face


BRIAN: She’s a Mimic.


>                only this time a quiet giggle was added in.


TOM: She, too, was amused by the incredible stupidity of her schoolmates.



> Aside from that brief episode that morning, the rest of the

> school day was overall uneventful to Nerissa’s disappointment.


SARAH: Well, except for AP Chemistry blowing up the lab.  Nerissa had gym, so she missed it.



> 3333


TOM: We’re ignoring you, little novelty scene break.



> “I’m home!” Nerissa yelled as she entered her home.


DOUG: Really?  I thought she went to the Pathmark.


>                                                     After

> throwing her yellow book-bag onto the hall floor,


LAURIE: Launching it down into the basement and wrecking the hardwood.


>                                                   she walked

> upstairs up to her room and closed and locked the door when she

> got inside.


SARAH: Why?  She probably lives in the same world of ‘no plot-inconvenient adults’ as the others.



> Situating herself on her bed,


TOM: If this turns into a lemon we all walk out.  Agreed?

KIDS: Agreed.


>                               she started to get ready into

> attempting


DOUG: I honestly don’t know if I should groan, cry, or smack myself.


>            to use the Heart she was assigned to keep by the

> Oracle.


BRIAN: Now I’m convinced the author never read *any* of ‘W.I.T.C.H.’!


BRIAN: This is so... contrived!  There’s no restrictions on when or why Will or anyone else can use the Heart.  Hell, that’s how Nerissa steals it!

TOM: Brian, just accept that the author flipped through a book or two for the pretty art and feels the need to add contrivances in lieu of actually having the reading comprehension to understand the story.  It’s probably the same method she uses for term papers.


>         First of all, she closed her eyes and started taking in

> slow, deep breaths.


SARAH: She’s going for a California space monkey.


>                     Though it was difficult, she managed to

> clear her mind of any thoughts


TOM: Oh, so many more cheap shots could be taken with this one line...

BRIAN: Save it.  We’ll probably have plenty more opportunities.


>                                as she was attempting to

> meditate.


LAURIE: She knew that she’d succeeded once she started to levitate.


>           When Nerissa finished with that,


DOUG: She gave up and decided to watch TV Land instead.


>                                            she positioned

> herself in order to scrunch her toes, fingers, shoulders and

> other body parts tightly.


(ALL laugh in disbelief.)

LAURIE: Really, what does that prove?

DOUG: The she *can* grip that pen with her toes if she tries.


>                           After holding them in that position

> for a minute,


SARAH: She was too stiff to move.


>               she let go of them and relaxed.


(BRIAN belches.)

SARAH: Oh, God, gross...



> In her opinion,


LAURIE: That was the most exercise *ever*.

TOM: No, that’s *our* opinion.


>                 it was now time for the Keeper of the Heart to


DOUG: Get a hobby.


> control the Heart’s powers for another purpose other than

> getting the guardians ready for closing portals.


BRIAN: Let’s see... making appliances talk, energizing the others, zappy energy rays... all of these were perfectly possible in the comics.  Oh, that’s right, I forgot!  *You didn’t read them*!


>                                                  Feeling relaxed

> and ready,


SARAH: And completely devoid of pride.


>            Nerissa held out her palm in the air and waited for

> the Heart to emerge.


TOM: That’s exactly how the cops found her body six weeks later.  Poor Nerissa - poor, crazy, *stupid* Nerissa.



> 3333


> Four minutes.


SARAH: That’s the longest anything can hold the author’s attention.


>               That’s exactly how long she waited,


LAURIE: Before quitting.  (pause)  Please?


>                                                   and not a

> millisecond longer. Blood rushing down internally in her arm,


BRIAN: Let’s go to CSI’s signature TMI-Cam to get an up-close view.


> the saddened girl was just about to


TOM: *Finally* admit that she really needed a hobby.


>                                     give up and place it down


DOUG: Snap it off and put it right back on its shelf.


> when a glow of white light starting to shine-


SARAH: That’s just the sun.


>                                               it was coming from

> her raised hand.


LAURIE: Her novelty LCD pen was finally working again!



> In its undefined glory,


(ALL snicker.)


>                         the Heart of Kandrakar slowly but surely

> emerged from her palm


DOUG: (Heart, sleepily) “Yaaaaawn...  I’m up, I’m up...”


>                       and floated a couple of centimeters above

> it.


LAURIE: Good to know everything’s measured so precisely in story.

DOUG: Except revisions.  And tenses used.  And omitted words.


>     With glee, Nerissa reached out both of her arms and cupped

> the magical charm of energy in her hands.


TOM: She’s gonna pet it and keep it and call it George.


>                                           Holding the warm and

> glowing charm,


BRIAN: (Nerissa) “Hmm... I think I need a potholder.”


>                she started thinking about what she should

> initially practice using it on


SARAH: Self-trepanation?


>                                before she actually did something

> big.


TOM: Like make clocks move fast so everyone thinks that time’s moving faster?  Yeah, that was *huge*.


>      Her thoughts came like this:


BRIAN: (Nerissa, flatly) “I like hot chocolate.”

LAURIE: (ibid) “My socks itch.”

SARAH: (ibid) “I think my butt’s gone numb.”

DOUG: (ibid) “Too bad I already killed my parents.”

TOM: (ibid) “Meditating is boring.”



> Should I use the Heart to see if it will finish my homework?


DOUG: (Nerissa) “Hopefully it knows French...”


> Nah, that’s extremely childish and I think I would burn my paper

> anyway…


LAURIE: (Nerissa) “Plus, it’s too mundane to effectively foreshadow my turn to evil.”


>         Or how about I use it for cleaning up my room?


BRIAN: (Nerissa) “Even the guys from the EPA wouldn’t come in here with their weird suits.”


>                                                        After

> all, it is pretty…“disorganized”.


TOM: Or you’re just “lazy”.


>                                   I guess that work since Kadma

> can do that and she has earth powers…


SARAH: Oh, wait.  She’s homeless and lives in a cave in the park.



> And with that, she concentrated all her energy onto the Heart

> and


BRIAN: Wept for her complete lack of imagination.

SARAH: You mean the author’s.

BRIAN: Po-tay-to, po-tah-to.


>     then towards a messy drawer in a corner of her room.


LAURIE: How sinful!  She’s going to fold her pajamas!


>                                                          At the

> same time, she closed her eyes so she wouldn’t get dizzy, tired

> or both.


TOM: Plus, that way, if it went wrong, she could honestly claim she didn’t see anything.


>          As she was seeing black and the occasional green spot,


LAURIE: And a warty, husky-voiced fortune teller commanding her to kill...


> a result of closing her eyes,


DOUG: And getting clocked on the head with a hammer.


>                               she started hearing some noises,


SARAH: That’s just Alexei Sayle singing ‘Make Stupid Noises’ next door.


> like as if


DOUG: I highly doubt you’re British enough to get away with this.

BRIAN: (Valley accent) Like, as if!


>            something was being arranged


LAURIE: By sixty-mile-an-hour winds.


>                                         at the exact corner she

> was trying to focus her energy on along with the Heart.


TOM: Look, stop trying to be clever and just say it worked.



> Sure enough, she found the area spotless when she opened her

> eyes.


SARAH: Not a scrap of furniture, flooring, or paint remained.


>       Because it was successful, she thought of other ways to

> use it


TOM: She bought Trumpy’s Guide to Stupid Tricks for ideas.


>        in case the room cleaning was just


BRIAN: Her mom trying to do her a favor but also nosing through her stuff.


>                                           a result of unknown

> telepathy.


DOUG: A-*hem*.  Telepathy is mind-reading and thought projection.  *Telekinesis* is moving objects through the power of thought.  It’s right in the first chapter of ‘Stock Superpowers and You’.


>            As a result,


SARAH: Huh.  Kate-chan likes the word ‘result’ a lot.  It sounds funny if you keep saying it...


>                         Nerissa carried her wastebasket into the

> center of the room and


BRIAN: Rechristened it as her Puke Pail.


>                        concentrated on it and the Heart,


LAURIE: Go for the three points!  Shoot!  Shoot!


>                                                          only

> this time she kept her eyes open


TOM: She couldn’t bear to see the green spots again.


>                                  no matter the risk of what

> would happen if an error occurred.


SARAH: What, would a stray piece of trash smack her in the face?


>                                    To her amazement,


BRIAN: There was a scene shift, and something interesting happened.


>                                                      it turned

> out she could control the Heart for other purposes


DOUG: (whiny) But I thought we established that!

TOM: That was a whole two sentences ago.  You honestly expect the author to remember something so far back?


>                                                    due to the

> fact she saw the wastebasket get engulfed with hot pink rays.


LAURIE: Now she can burn all evidence of her glee club embezzling!


>                                                               In

> order to make sure it wasn’t her power,


(ALL groan and grumble.)

DOUG: A major future villain should not be second guessing herself this much.

SARAH: Again, we see intentional redundancy built into the fanfic in a vain attempt to prevent catastrophic failure...

TOM: That’s it.  I’m hiding your ‘Seconds from Disasters’ DVDs.


>                                         she slowly let go of the

> Heart,


BRIAN: Which fell right to the floor.


>        which was identical in color,


LAURIE: Yet oddly sponge-like in texture.


>                                      not to mention it was also

> discharging the exact same rays.


TOM: And if we understood what any of that sentence meant, we might be impressed.

DOUG: By the scene?

TOM: No, that we understood the sentence.


>                                  It was only when she witnessed

> the rays moving and shocking the wastebasket


BRIAN: Yee-haw!  Git along l’il basket!


>                                              across the floor

> did she know it was a complete success.


SARAH: *Pfft.*  That’s just the poltergeists messing with her again.



> Nerissa started thinking of other ways to use it,


LAURIE: (Nerissa) “I’ll julienne carrots with my newfound power!”


>                                                   but she

> started to reject them all since


BRIAN: Nerissa had the imagination of a tube worm.


>                                  it’s not everyday when you find

> out you can


DOUG: Switch tenses *and* points of view on the fly.


>             direct power over something powerful


TOM: Like a power station.

LAURIE: Or a Power Glove.

BRIAN: Or Power Pack.

SARAH: Or the Power Rangers.

DOUG: Or Brother Power the Geek.


>                                                  and magical.

> Suddenly, she remembered all of her enemies,


TOM: And here’s our sharp left into ABC Afterschool Special-ville.  About time.


>                                              those whom taunted

> and pushed her around all those years.


DOUG: So, all of her gym teachers?


>                                        Signs of rage flashed in

> her eyes


BRIAN: Little red frowny faces blinked on and off like train warnings.


>          as she walked toward her window,


SARAH: (Nerissa) “Huh.  Someone has accidentally boarded this up from the outside.”


>                                           which looked over the

> Johansson’s residence.


DOUG: They’d pay for their damned wind chimes!

LAURIE: See?  This is the ham-fisted foreshadowing we were waiting for.

SARAH: Yes, and yet another excuse to condone bullying by making its victims look loopy.

BRIAN: Remember, kids - suffer in silence, or you’ll go to Hell!


>                        Nerissa had known the couple’s daughter,

> Marion, since they were in preschool,


SARAH: Ah, good ol’ Shady Acres Daycare.


>                                       and even then, Marion

> spared no mercy for Nerissa as she pulled her hair, smashed her

> block sculptures, stole her apple juice


TOM: Okay, *this* is pathetic.  Nerissa must have a gold medal in grudge holding.


>                                         and poked her as she

> slept on her Mickey Mouse beach towel


DOUG: Product placement?


>                                       as she was sleeping during

> naptime.


LAURIE: Look, some people just need to sleep with their favorite ten-foot broom handle.  Sorry if it pokes you, but you need to be understanding.


>          By Middle School, Marion stole her pencils and gym

> uniform,


SARAH: Marion had a thing for gnaw marks and back sweat.


>          tripped her in track and field and beat her up


BRIAN: Vicious daily flickings.


>                                                         in order

> to have Nerissa give up her brown bag lunch.


TOM: Marion just loved head cheese on pumpernickel, and unfortunately, so did Nerissa.



> As she thought of those awful memories,


LAURIE: And how nice it’d be if either of them had any adults in their lives to serve as authority figures of some sort...


>                                         she organized an entire

> diabolical plan


SARAH: Foul!  Foul!  Revenge schemes take at least twenty-four hours to properly plan!

LAURIE: But Nerissa’s officially evil now, so she gets a pass.


>                 that she wouldn’t have even dreamed of a day

> ago.


DOUG: Power corrupts instantaneously.


>      When she took a deep breath and opened her window,


BRIAN: (Nerissa, taking a deep breath, then having a coughing fit) “Stupid freakin’ smelting plant!”


>                                                         the

> Nerissa, the unknown daughter, friend, and student everyone knew


TOM: Gained enough pretension to refer to herself in third person as an object.

LAURIE: Just like Doctor Doom.  That’s how you know she’s evil now.


> simply disappeared


BRIAN: So the story’s over?

DOUG: Dude, the *sentence* isn’t even over.


>                    even though the body was still there.


LAURIE: Drooling like a faucet.


>                                                          With

> the combined aid of the Heart and her own still pretty weak

> electrical powers,


SARAH: She shorted out Marion’s toaster oven.  That’ll learn her!


>                    she barely managed to cause storm clouds to


TOM: Gather over her head.


> replace the sunny, cumulus cloud filled blue sky.


DOUG: Of nine PM?

LAURIE: I thought this was after school.

DOUG: But she spent hours doing fakey yoga!  It’s night already!

TOM: There’s no sense of time in fanfics, guys, so stop trying to find it.


>                                                   Out of the

> blue, a clap of thunder


BRIAN: A thunderr clap hey a thunderr clap hey a thunderr clap hey a -

SARAH: *Stop*.


>                         sent the streets of Heatherfield a-

> rocking and


TOM: A-reeling.


>             rumbling.


SARAH: Her thunderstorm started an earthquake?

TOM: That, or it pissed off an Evil Monkey Toy.


>                       Wild strikes of white lightning started

> dancing in the sky


LAURIE: (signing) Dancing in the sky...


>                    and the rain came down like the sky was tap

> dancing.


DOUG: Okay, we get it!  Find another metaphor!

BRIAN: Maybe something intimidating.


>          Nerissa started using all her strength


LAURIE: To scrunch herself in a ball again.  She just *liked* it.


>                                                 in order to send

> a bolt of lightning on the olive green house across the street;


TOM: For crimes against good taste.

SARAH: And she missed by a mile.


> this was a success


SARAH: D’oh!


>                    since a bolt of light from the sky did indeed

> strike on the house’s roof.


DOUG: (Nerissa) “Damn.  I was aiming for their big ugly nautical stars.”

BRIAN: But since it was *light* and not *lightning*, nothing happened.


>                             Orange flames erupted onto the house

> and black smoke poured into the already darkened sky.


TOM: Turns out kerosene *doesn’t* strengthen your insulation.



> For the first time in her life, Nerissa didn’t feel guilt or

> pity.


SARAH: She just felt bored.  (pause)  Wait, that’s me.


>       Instead, she felt sort of satisfied with that point of

> revenge,


BRIAN: Although next time, she’d have to have a camera ready.


>          even though she knew that


LAURIE: The rain would put the fire out in minutes?

TOM: No, that’s in the real world.  The Kate-chan-verse doesn’t work that way.


>                                    path wouldn’t hit a dead end

> for a long, long period of time.


DOUG: If you wanna bring that sentence down to the shop, we can fix it so it makes sense.


>                                  As she stood against the white

> windowpane in her bedroom,


TOM: Big window.


>                            she giggled evilly and almost

> silently,


SARAH: Although we definitely heard a ‘mwa-ha-ha’ in there...


>           which was out of character even for her.


BRIAN: But since it was in this story, no one noticed.  Their brains had turned to mush.


>                                                    “Heh! Serves

> her right, torturing me all those years,“


LAURIE: (Nerissa, overdramatic) “She’ll rue the day she drank my apple juice!”


>                                           she said as she saw

> the clouds of smoke going higher, higher and higher into the air


BRIAN: New waterproof fire!


> and flames consuming the house; the blaring alarms of fire

> trucks could be heard rushing down the street.


DOUG: Krispy Kreme’s ‘hot’ sign is lit!  Go, go, go!

TOM: Hey!

DOUG: Hey yourself.  In my town, that’s all they had to do.



> End of Chapter Three


> A/N: Nerissa is becoming consumed by the Heart’s power now… this

> is not good!


SARAH: “I might have to actually read the source material soon!”



> Ja Ne!


> Kate-chan 91


> Two Tainted Hearts


> Disclaimer: I’m not even part Italian, so there’s no way I even

> created W.I.T.C.H.


DOUG: Bring that sentence in, too.



> Kate-chan 91’s tidbits (A/N): Here's the toast, everyone!


LAURIE: But I’m allergic to wheat gluten.



> Cornelia's #1 Fan- Thank you so much! Because you are the only

> reviewer for the last two chapters,


BRIAN: She’s the last one whose brain hasn’t liquefied yet.


>                                     you also earn Girl Scout

> cookies along with your toast!


TOM: “They’re from 1984 - that okay?”


>                                (Throws treats)


> Enjoy the fourth chapter!


> Chapter Four: Fire of Many Types


BRIAN: Well, there’s the regular kind, we just saw the waterproof kind...



> 4444


> The firemen tried to save the house,


LAURIE: Let it go!  The living room’s dark mustard yellow with gingham angels on the trim!


>                                      but the wooden frame of the

> house collapsed


DOUG: Turns out it was actually made of dry hay.


>                 as they sprayed it with many gallons of water


BRIAN: There’s your problem - it’s *waterproof* fire.  Not even a hearty rainstorm can stop it.


>                                                               in

> attempts to save it.


SARAH: Granted, it’d be a bit moist...


>                      Fortunately, they succeeded in saving all

> four members of the family,


DOUG: They were found running in circles muttering ‘Fire, fire, fire’ in blind panic.


>                             whose only remaining possessions of

> theirs was


(DOUG audibly smacks his forehead.)

TOM: Ignore it.  It’s a drop in this story’s ocean of stupidity.


>            the clothes on their backs.


LAURIE: Good thing they dress in five layers to sleep.


>                                        However, they weren’t to

> save something precious to them, as Marion kept pointing out.


SARAH: (Marion) “My Franklin Mint collectors’ plates!”



> “What’s wrong, Marion?”


TOM: (Marion) “Well, I got a C on my last Spanish test, and oh, yeah - *my house burnt down*!”


>                         Yan Lin, who just rushed to the scene

> along with her friends Kadma, Halinor and Cassidy


BRIAN: All of whom were standing around picking their ears.


>                                                   (Nerissa was

> still in her bedroom),


SARAH: They didn’t want to disturb her naptime.  She gets *so* cranky.


>                        asked Marion.


DOUG: That might very well be the longest interjection ever.



> The sobbing girl chocked


SARAH: *Choked*.


>                          a simple sentence


TOM: Hey!  What’d that simple sentence every do to you?


>                                            as she picked up an

> inanimate object;


LAURIE: (Marion, weeping) “My poor, poor collectors’ plate...”


>                   it had burned fur and what used to be a red

> leather collar around its neck.



TOM: What’s cheaper than a dead girlfriend for drama?

SARAH: Hey, Tom, still got that Newberry Award ready?

TOM: Oh, yeah.  And sadly, this is written on the same level as most of the recent winners.


>                                 Without delay, Yan Lin and the

> others understood


TOM: Altogether now - it truly was...

ALL: The day their innocence died.


>                   as she tearfully chocked


SARAH: *Choked*.


>                                            with all her energy

> “My doggy, Pepper,”


SARAH: Oh, and a *dog*, too!  Thanks, Kate-chan; now I *really* hate you and your story.


>                     before going back to weeping and holding her

> beloved pet’s body next to hers like a mother would a baby.


DOUG: What, no dance metaphors?

LAURIE: Nice of the firemen to pull Pepper’s carcass out of the wreckage for her.


> Everyone outside where the former house stood, including the

> four guardians and Marion’s family,


BRIAN: And the firemen, and the local reporters, and gawkers from down the street...


>                                     hugged her and lamented

> along with her.


SARAH: (guardian) “Don’t worry, you can always get a new dog.  It’s not like it was a Coach handbag or anything.”



> 4444


> Meanwhile in Kandrakar, the council members joined for an urgent

> meeting.


BRIAN: (Oracle) “Chik-Fil-A is *closed* on Sundays!  We need to find a new caterer!”



> “Brothers and sisters!”


TOM: (Oracle) “Prepare to tear the roof off this mutha.”


>                         The Oracle announced with a low frown,

> “Tonight Nerissa, the Keeper of the Heart


LAURIE: Did some goofy calisthenics.


>                                           has found out she

> could control the Heart for other purposes


DOUG: After some warm-up exercises.


>                                            and caused

> destruction and death.”


SARAH: (Oracle) “Worse, she magically moved her hometown next to Camden, New Jersey!”

BRIAN: (council member) “How cruel!”



> “What should we do, sir?” a councilman questioned the all-

> powerful being.


TOM: (councilman) “I’m for a good, stern spanking.”



> “That is still pending since


BRIAN: (Oracle) “The union has to discuss it first.  It might take a few weeks.”


>                              this is the first time this has

> ever happened, but I believe we should


LAURIE: Panic.


>                                        try to send her here so


SARAH: (Oracle) “She can flip out and try to kill us instead.”


> we can put her on trial, Althor.” The Oracle replied in a firm

> voice.


DOUG: Oh, goody!  They can adapt this into a ‘Law & Order’ episode!



> “Where should her punishment if she’s found guilty?” yet another

> asked The Oracle.


TOM: (Oracle) “Geez... this is a committee!  Why am *I* the only one making decisions?”



> The Oracle sighed slightly.


LAURIE: (Oracle) “We went over this last week.  Check your minutes.”


>                             “If she continues this, Sura,” he

> replied, “she’ll be sent to Mount Thorus.”




TOM: (shouting) NEVER HEARD OF IT!





SARAH: All they have there is a Wal-Mart.


>          almost everyone in the council exclaimed


DOUG: Using those words, in perfect unison.


>                                                   as they

> started to argue and talk about it rapidly.


BRIAN: Actually, they’re discussing theories about ‘Lost’.



> “SILENCE, EVERYONE!” Tibor, The Oracle’s advisor, bellowed in

> attempt to quiet the councilmen.


TOM: (Tibor) “Dammit, didn’t work.  Someone give me the disco whistle.”



> 4444


> Also at the same time, as Nerissa stood at her bedroom window,


LAURIE: It’s been three hours, Ris.  Go watch some TV or something.


> she became somewhat unsatisfied with her revenge on Marion,


DOUG: While the karma was appealingly disproportionate, there wasn’t any irony in her punishment.  She’d have to work on that.


>                                                             her

> school bully since Preschool


SARAH: So is this anti-bullying or anti-retaliation?  Because I’m feeling the latter.

TOM: It’s anti-normal human behavior.


>                              even though it was initially

> satisfying to see her bully grieve over her fallen pet.


BRIAN: (Nerissa) “Really should try for a parent next time.”


>                                                         Because

> of this, she started mentally plotting out a hit list of

> everyone who ever gave her hell.


LAURIE: (overdramatic) Ripped from the headlines!  (calmer)  Of the Metro... after a drunk used it as a hanky.


>                                  Only time would tell what would

> happen next…


DOUG: And how much it would suck.



> End of chapter four


> A/N: Whoa! Now that’s short, even for me!


SARAH: “But then again, I have the attention span of a gnat.”


>                                           Sorry if this chapter

> sucked (or you were confused at some parts),


BRIAN: Don’t apologize for this unless you mean the whole story.


>                                              but I also hope you

> enjoyed reading it instead.


DOUG: There’s certain things I enjoy when they suck.  This story is not one of them.

SARAH: (sighs) I’d smack you, but this story’s sucked out my will to live.


>                             Don’t forget to post even a short

> review (more than just one to three words, please)


LAURIE: “Four words is good!  I learned that last week!”


>                                                    before you go

> off to do whatever you’re planning to do next.


SARAH: So review your story, *then* pound you like a tough steak.  Gotcha.



> Ja Ne!


> Kate-chan 91


> Two Tainted Hearts


> A fan fiction by Kate-chan 91


> Disclaimer: Y’all know it, I know it, the Red Panda on my head

> knows it,


TOM: That this isn’t funny anymore?


>           even the guy down the street that works in that

> Pizzeria next to Publix knows it-


BRIAN: We know it, too, but it’s too much of a cheap shot, so we won’t say it.


>                                   I will never own a series


DOUG: Uh... you forgot the period.  You were doing good with those, too.


> other than one I have created, such as my mangas “Stephanie and

> Mew”


LAURIE: “Which is totally not about me.”


>      and “Remember Jennifer”.


LAURIE: “Also totally not about me.”



> Kate-chan 91’s tidbits (A/N): Chapter five is here, people!


SARAH: Run for your lives!


> Happy reading!


> Chapter Five: Another Portal


> 5555


> It was two days after the fire struck and it was already almost

> completely back to normal.


TOM: Marion’s house was rebuilt, and she got a new, cuter dog.


>                            The girl Marion and her family were

> sent to a homeless shelter


BRIAN: To go hang with Kadma and Halinor.

LAURIE: No, that’s the library.


>                            as their former neighbors worked

> tirelessly to reconstruct their home,


SARAH: *Lots* of load-bearing posters.


>                                       while the five guardians

> were back in school learning just about every subject

> imaginable.


TOM: Math was excluded from the curriculum, but Modernist Deconstruction wasn’t.


>             As usual, Kadma had finished her biology project

> early so she earned more free-time,


BRIAN: To hang around the library?


>                                     Cassidy was using her

> “special ability” to control which questions the teacher asked


LAURIE: Her special bribery ability.


> so she would like the smart one,


DOUG: (after a long pause) Um, you don’t like the smart one when you omit important words.  Like ‘look’.


>                                  Yan Lin was doodling due to the

> boredom of the atmosphere of her Algebra class,


LAURIE: Is there some rule that female fan-authors should have no brain or love for Math?

DOUG: Well, let’s look at their meager English skills for their academic skill levels and just move on from there.


>                                                 Halinor passed

> notes to her other friends


SARAH: (note) “Stuck in crappy fanfic about superteam.  Send help.”


>                            and Nerissa once again sped up the

> time in Homeroom.


TOM: Using her amazing powers of futzing with the clocks’ motors.



> As they were going home, however, Nerissa dropped down with a

> throbbing pain in her head.


BRIAN: Someone psychically sent all of the author’s notes into her mind!

LAURIE: Oh, no - she’s a goner!



> “Another portal is nearby!” Yan Lin declared as she started

> examining the crumbled, antique brown map.


SARAH: (Yan) “Oh, and Nerissa’s choking on her tongue, but that can wait.”



> “Come on, guys, let’s help Nerissa up before we go; she’s in

> pain!” Cassidy cried


TOM: Make sure to move her spine around a lot.  Oh, and if she’s conscious, feed her some lukewarm egg foo young.


>                      in concern to the other two girls


DOUG: Who decided that they *had* to shop for ringtones *right now*.


>                                                        as Yan

> Lin found the portal’s location.


SARAH: Exit 328-A towards the King of Prussia mall.



> “Alright, the next portal is near the park!”


LAURIE: (Yan) “So when we’re done, we can go to the snack cart and get a churro.”


>                                              Yan Lin yelled

> straight away as she rolled the map and tossed it into her skirt

> pocket.


DOUG: You guys remember ‘Parker Lewis Can’t Lose’ and the kid with the backpack?

TOM: Kinda...

LAURIE: Sorry.

BRIAN: Nope.

SARAH: Not at all.

DOUG: Shame, ‘cuz right now, that’s all I picture.


>         Carrying a groaning Nerissa, the four guardians ran

> swiftly


BRIAN: As they could, if they each held one of Nerissa’s limbs to carry her.


>         towards to the green park.


SARAH: How do you make a *park* compliant with environmentally friendly energy usage standards?



> After Cassidy gave Nerissa a spray of water to make her more

> concentrated,


TOM: And wash off that onion funk she always had...

DOUG: Shouldn’t water dilude?


>               Nerissa thrust her hand out and the Heart of

> Kandrakar emerged.


TOM: A transformation scene this late in the game?  That can only mean one thing - naptime.

(ALL start snoring, snoozing, etc.  Someone does the Curly Snore.)


>                    Immediately, the Heart divided into different

> color teardrops and each and every one of the girls was

> surrounded by the teardrop and magic that suited their element

> and color. As they were surrounded by magic, the girls underwent

> the transformation that made them go from normal girls to

> guardians of the veil.


> Afterward,


SARAH: (drowsily) Huh...?  Oh, transformation’s over, guys.

(OTHERS stop snoring and yawn, stretch, smack their lips, etc.)


>            they lined up side-by-side of each other in front of

> the portal.


LAURIE: They’re using the Rockettes’ method for fighting evil.


>             However, they didn’t want to get too close


BRIAN: The portal’s funk was overwhelming.


>                                                        as Yan

> Lin almost got sucked into one the first time they tried to

> close one.


DOUG: In that scene far too exciting to risk having you, the delicate audience, see.


>            Little did they know, however was that a monster from

> Metamoor,


TOM: Named Melvin the Malignant.


>           the land of the evil people whom


(DOUG grumbles.)


>                                            wanted war and

> destruction


SARAH: First person to make an even *remotely* political joke gets fed into the pasta press.


>             was behind them.


BRIAN: (monster) “Guess who’s touching you...”


>                              As a result, Halinor, Yan Lin and

> Cassidy were captured.


LAURIE: Oh, if only it had five arms instead of three...

TOM: Their bold plan of standing around and doing nothing had somehow backfired.



> They fought with all their power but were unsuccessful into

> having him let them go.


DOUG: Trust us, the details would just bore you.

SARAH: They certainly appear to have bored the author.

BRIAN: Just like the source material.


>                         When they were unsuccessful,


TOM: They decided to try bribery.


>                                                      they begged

> for help since they were, well, helpless.


LAURIE: But Nerissa and Kadma were too busy playing Crazy 8s to bother.



> Luckily for them, their friend Kadma was running after the blue

> monster


SARAH: (author) “Who was, like, moving and stuff.  Did I mention he was moving?  Yeah, he was moving.”


>         in an attempt to catch up with him and rescue her

> friends.


BRIAN: And train for her mini-marathon.


>          However, as she was doing so, her free friend,


LAURIE: The one that came from her box of Froot Loops.


>                                                         Nerissa,

> just stood there.


DOUG: She’d stepped into the quick-drying cement.



> “Nerissa, what do you think you’re waiting for?


TOM: (Nerissa) “A jackhammer - I’m stuck!”


>                                                 That big ape has

> our friends!”


SARAH: Oh, too late.  He’s back in his homeworld, loading up the stew pot.

DOUG: Wait... so Donkey Kong’s from Metamoor?


>               she yelled in a rough voice;


LAURIE: that’s what happens when you smoke ten packs a day.


>                                            she was clearly angry

> about this.


BRIAN: But not as angry as she was about the fate of the wild budgerigar.



> Instead, Nerissa just kept smiling and standing.


TOM: (Nerissa, dimly) “Popcorn is yummy...”



> Kadma called louder as she was running. “NERISSA! GET OVER HERE



DOUG: Not if you’re gonna be bossy about it.



> This time, Nerissa just simply brought out her palm


SARAH: (Nerissa) “Give me some Gummi Bears, and I’ll help.”


>                                                     and let the

> Heart of Kandrakar emerge again.


TOM: What, no scrunching up to meditate again?


>                                  She seemed to concentrate her

> energy on the Heart and the monster at the same time.


BRIAN: And drank a milkshake and watched ‘Dancing with the Stars’.


>                                                       A ray of

> pink light came rushing out at that moment;


DOUG: Zamaron attack!  Run!


>                                             it successfully made

> its target at the monster,


LAURIE: Left earlobe, its secret weakness.


>                            which let go of her friends

> immediately.


SARAH: Right in the limbo between realities, never to be seen again.



> Since the portal was starting to close itself again,


DOUG: Disengaging chevrons...  chevron one, disengaged... chevron two, disen-

TOM: *Stop*.


>                                                      the monster

> panicked and ran into the portal.


BRIAN: It was terrified of human cooties.


>                                   As soon as it stomped into the

> swirling bluish white light,


SARAH: Its mother told it to stop stomping like that.


>                              the portal closed itself with a

> loud “BOOM!” sound.


TOM: That doesn’t go to Metamoor - that goes to Apokolips!



> The recently freed Yan Lin checked the map again


LAURIE: (Yan) “I’ve gotta find the nearest Sonic Drive-In!”


>                                                  in case it

> closed itself again;


DOUG: so they wouldn’t have to get off their duffs to do it.


>                      it had done it before.


BRIAN: Again, in a scene far too thrilling for the audience to stand seeing described.


>                                             She looked on the

> place where the portal was


TOM: And found it had already been replaced with a Starbucks.


>                            and found it gone.


LAURIE: Nah, it turned into a Saladworks.  That’s why it’s closed already.



> “Well guys,” she said with a smile, “It looks like portal number

> eight has no vacancy for now!”


SARAH: Uh...

DOUG: I’m just gonna pretend she’s *supposed* to be obvious and intentionally not-witty, kind of like Star Boy.



> All five of the tired guardians whooped with joy.


ALL: (a la Curly) Whoop-whoowhoowhoowhoop-whoop...



> Well, all of them except for Kadma,


SARAH: She preferred ‘Yee-haw’.


>                                     that is. Instead, she was

> thinking about


BRIAN: Who she liked on ‘Project Runway’.


>                how Nerissa controlled the Heart like that.


LAURIE: What, actually *using* it?  Yeah, sounds *very* sinister.


> Usually, Nerissa just


DOUG: Hid behind a rock and cried for Mommy.

BRIAN: I thought that was you.

DOUG: *Shut*.  *Up*.


>                       used her actual energy,


TOM: Because her control over absolute energy made it so... *huh*?!

BRIAN: This is why you really should know the source material before you accept a fic challenge, of which this story positively *reeks*.


>                                               but it looked like

> something was starting to sound fishy;


LAURIE: Making gurgle and glub-glub noises?


>                                        she had the thought

> Nerissa had previously used the Heart for something that wasn’t

> portal related…


TOM: Foreshadowing.  Think about it, won’t you?



> End of Chapter Five


> A/N: That’s all for now. Well, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

> Don’t forget to review before you go, please.


SARAH: I can’t.  I’d be arrested for public indecency.



> Ja Ne!


> Kate-chan 91


> Two Tainted Hearts


> A fan fiction by Kate-chan 91


> Disclaimer: Even the Almighty Red Panda in my head says I don’t

> own the actual W.I.T.C.H. series, so shut up.


DOUG: See, *this* is what you get when parents *over* encourage their kids.



> Kate-chan 91’s tidbits (A/N): Yes, I do have a Red Panda in my

> head…


SARAH: Well, it’s swelled enough, so there’s plenty of room for it.

LAURIE: What do you mean?

SARAH: C’mon, the disclaimers, the review responses, the notes beginning *and* ending the chapters... a good third of this story is Kate-chan showboating.  If that’s not swell-headed, I don’t know what is.

DOUG: How about that rant?

SARAH: Keep it up, and you’ll get a swelled lip.


>       and (S) HE ROCKS!


LAURIE: Huh.  You think you’d know your disassociative identity’s gender by now.



> KaNdRaKaRgrl,


TOM: Torgo’s long lost child.


>               thank you very much for reviewing; you have given

> me lots of courage


BRIAN: To jump into that cobra pit.


>                    (not to mention Santeen and Cornelia)


DOUG: But their names are typed too normally to warrant a special mention.


>                                                          that

> I’ve done a good job.


(ALL snicker.)

TOM: Let’s just step away from this one, shall we?


>                       That’s one of the best reviews I’ve had in

> a long time.


LAURIE: “Like, ‘ritemorplz’ in CAPS?!  You’re the best!”


>              (Throws toast to you)


SARAH: And she’s pecked to death by angry, starving pigeons.  Way to go, Kate-chan.



> Anyway, here’s the sixth chapter of Two Tainted Hearts!


> Chapter Six: Luba


> (Route) 66 (Route) 66


(ALL groan.)

BRIAN: I really, *really* miss the random strings of stars.



> Back in Kandrakar, the Oracle had already resumed his usual

> business of


DOUG: Watching ‘Unbeatable Banzuke’ and eating Cheez-Its.


>             meditating in the Temple of Kandrakar.


TOM: His mantra just happened to sound like snoring.


>                                                    Accompanying

> him, as you know, was his advisor


TOM: Harvey Lipschitz from H & R Block.

LAURIE: Smithers?


>                                   Tibor,


LAURIE: Which is alien for ‘Smithers’.


>                                          who seemed old and

> withered


SARAH: Too much time in tanning beds does that.


>          compared to the Oracle laden with his youthful

> appearance.


TOM: Yeah, youth is *such* a burden.

DOUG: Hey, you ever watch me try to buy drinks?  I can’t get anyone to believe I was born in the Eighties.

SARAH: Lady Blackhawk has it worse, dude.



> As the Oracle was conducting his usual business on that day,


BRIAN: Of doing nothing and hoping it looked mystical.


> however, he was expecting a visitor:


TOM: The person in the chapter headline?  Nah...

LAURIE: The cable guy.

BRIAN: The Kay Chemical inspector.

DOUG: Zatanna!  *Rowr*!

SARAH: It’s gonna be Kate-chan, I know it.


>                                      Luba.


TOM: As featured in the chapter title!  I was right!


>                                            Luba with her feline-

> resembling face


SARAH: That she kept in a jar?

DOUG: She never got over her rejected audition for ‘Cats’.


>                 (complete with whiskers)


LAURIE: Ew!  Nair those!


>                                          had the job of


BRIAN: Getting coffee and lunches and catching mice.


> protecting the guardians of the veil’s magic.


TOM: Day and night she sat guarding it, armed only with a flyswatter...


>                                               She was also a

> member of the congregation,


LAURIE: Although she’d only give two bucks at offering and never participated in any activities.


>                             and one of the few of them all to

> quickly and efficiently


BRIAN: Alphabetize her DVD collection.


>                         analyze and find all the possible

> hazards in a situation.


DOUG: Like using dried spaghetti as a building material or letting an orangutan fly your plane.



> Right on time, the Oracle thought with a smile


SARAH: (Oracle) “Now I won’t have to right her up for tardiness.”


>                                                as she came

> storming down one of the temple’s grand corridors demanding to

> see him.


TOM: Is it just me, or does having a boss who sees everything, knows what’s going to happen when, and just sits on his duff all day sound really irritating?

BRIAN: Sounds like every boss I’ve ever had.



> Tibor, who was behind him,


DOUG: Crying like a baby...


>                            barricaded her way towards him,

> however,


LAURIE: (Tibor) “He’s *mine*, you hussy!” (slaps hands together)


>          refusing her passage with


BRIAN: A blow to the head from a hammer.


>                                    “The Oracle does not have the

> time to speak with you at this moment, Luba;


SARAH: (Tibor) “He’s on lunch.”


>                                              please come back

> later.”


TOM: (Luba) “But I have an appointment - let me get my card.”



> “This is urgent, I need to speak with him now!”


LAURIE: (Luba) “He ate the last of my Cheez-Its!”


>                                                 she retorted


DOUG: (Inigo Montoya) “This word you keep using.  I do not think it means what you think it means.”


>                                                              as

> she managed to push him from her walkway.


SARAH: And he plunged to the depths below, never to be seen again.



> Tibor was laden with ire


TOM: *Someone* just discovered Thesaurus.Com.


>                          and just about to fight her back


BRIAN: If he tried to fight her front, she’d eat him alive.


>                                                           when

> the Oracle raised his hand and said,


LAURIE: (Oracle) “High five!”


>                                      “Leave her alone, Tibor,

> I’ve been expecting her.


BRIAN: (Oracle) “I had this written on the calendar - didn’t you check it?”


>                          She knows my decision about our

> problem.”


DOUG: Namely, if a snack in the kitchen’s not labeled, it’s up for grabs.



> “You must enforce your decisions immediately, Oracle!” she

> yelled.


TOM: (Oracle) “I *am* - notice how I haven’t *once* gotten off my butt, just like I planned.”


>         “The Keeper of the Heart has already caused destruction

> and the death of a loved animal with the Heart!


LAURIE: (Luba) “And she used it to steal cable, too!”


>                                                 What will she do

> in the near future?


SARAH: Sleep or eat are sure bets.


>                     You’ve observed many murderers,


BRIAN: Not really.  Those were ‘CSI’ reruns.


>                                                     so don’t

> tell me you are not aware she may even eventually destroy the

> very towns and cities of innocent people she has been instructed

> with protecting!”


DOUG: that’s how most murderers start.  They do some superheroics, but next thing you know, they’re roasting whole housing developments.



> “Luba,” the Oracle responded,


TOM: (Oracle) “Lick me.”


>                               “this has never happened before.


SARAH: (Oracle) “so let’s just ignore it, and it’ll fall in line.”


>                                                                I

> believe we should look a little longer just in case


BRIAN: Nerissa does something cool like declare war on Wal-Mart.


>                                                     she may get

> her thoughts straight as she’s still doing her job,


TOM: Even if she *is* making a necklace of her enemies’ ears.


>                                                     and very

> nicely I may add.”


LAURIE: (Oracle) “Only one portal-closing was even interesting enough to describe, and that was mostly because her teammate was paranoid.”



> Luba had red blush taking over her face


DOUG: Playing in Mommy’s make-up again?


>                                         as she grew even further

> into a rage.


BRIAN: (Luba, extra deep) “LUBA SMASH!”


>              “Did you not notice,” she said, “the Heart is

> slowing becoming black,


SARAH: Uh... no.  You just told us now.


>                         laden with the evil consuming the Keeper

> of the Heart? I can sense it!”


LAURIE: She and Kadma share foreshadowing powers.



> “I’ll watch over her more often for the next of what humans call

> a week.


DOUG: (Oracle) “Except for Brit-com night.  You take that one.”


>         If she does something very unacceptable in-between that

> time period,


BRIAN: (Oracle) “Especially in the shower - that place is a hotbed of corruption.”


>              she’ll be sent here through the air colored bridge


SARAH: The Newark-air-colored bridge.  It’s the same color as Taco Bell vomit.


> to stand trial.”


> Luba growled in anger and turned around to leave.


TOM: Oh, spoiled baby didn’t get her way?


>                                                   Just before

> she walked away, she spoke these final words to the Oracle:


LAURIE: (Luba) “I happen to *like* Miracle Whip.”


>                                                             “Be

> aware, Oracle, that if the world is destroyed,


DOUG: Then it’s gonna come back in a few months with some slight changes.


>                                                it is your fault.

> You haven’t been doing your job too well, lately.”


TOM: And then the Oracle killed her.



> End of Chapter Six


> A/N: Whoo, that was short, even for me.


SARAH: Again, you hear any complaining?


>                                         Before you leave, I

> would like to tell you


LAURIE: “How much I *love* having a captive audience.”


>                        I hope you were satisfied in reading this


(ALL snicker.)


> and review before you leave.


BRIAN: “But it better be a good review, or I’ll report you for abuse.”



> Ja Ne!


> Kate-chan 91


> Two Tainted Hearts


> A fan fiction by Kate-chan 91


> Disclaimer: W.I.T.C.H. is initially constructed in Italy before

> it’s sent and translated to other countries.


DOUG: Kind of like the Statue of Liberty.

TOM: Yes, W.I.T.C.H., a great ambassador of peace!


>                                              I’m going to Italy

> for the first time in June-


SARAH: Whoop-dee-doo.


>                             how I can I own the series then?


BRIAN: You could actually *buy* a book instead of reading outlines on Wikipedia.



> Kate-chan 91’s tidbits (A/N): Wow… I’ve actually updated this…

> Just to tell y’all, I rarely update if I have a lack of reviews,


LAURIE: “I’m an emotionally needy pseudo-blackmailer.  Isn’t that cute?”

SARAH: Keep in mind the kind of person who’d *want* to see this story continue...


> but still… I updated!


TOM: “Now gimme my trophy.”



> Anyway, enjoy this chapter!


> Chapter Seven: Betrayal


> 7777


> The last two weeks were hectic for everyone in the town of

> Heatherfield. First of all,


DOUG: It was town-wide No Traffic Lights Week.


>                             severe thunderstorms suddenly formed

> out of nowhere, even when weather conditions weren’t suitable

> for such weather.


LAURIE: And the weatherman talked about weathery stuff on their weather reports on Weather Hour all the time!


>                   Furthermore, these very storms caused

> devastating fires to occur,


BRIAN: Damn that flammable rain.

TOM: 100% kerosene.


>                             therefore making local firefighters

> busier than ever.


SARAH: the cats would just have to get themselves out of the trees for once.


>                   In addition, paramedics and other hospital

> personnel rarely had time for even a lunch break since so many

> fire victims were coming in to be treated.


TOM: The sight of burn victims covered in hoagie crumbs became alarmingly common.


>                                            Last but not least,

> five girls were constantly waiting and searching


DOUG: (girl) “Man, is *every* other search result porn?”


>                                                  for the final

> part of their task to appear:


SARAH: The Mini they’d have to convert into a bus for a marching band.


>                               the twelfth and final portal,


LAURIE: The Portal of Evil?


>                                                             the

> sole remaining open stitch in the fabric of the veil.


BRIAN: but was it dancing?  A metaphor means nothing unless it’s dance-related.


> Consequently, one question popped in their heads during the

> final countdown:


DOUG: When would DC publish that mini about the ghost Dibnys solving supernatural mysteries?

TOM: (singing) It’s the FI-nal countdown!


>                  When and where in their beautiful town would it

> strike?


TOM: Turns out it was two states away.  Oops.



> That very question was answered at the end of that fortnight


DOUG: I’d do the vocab word chant, but I’m pretty sure she got that one from ‘The Simpsons’.


> when one of the girls, Nerissa,


LAURIE: You know, the instantly evil one?


>                                 collapsed onto the sidewalk with

> a mind numbing headache


SARAH: Okay, who’s downloading the entire story into her head *again*?


>                         which made her extremely dizzy.


BRIAN: Wait, no, that was the booze.

SARAH: And she walks in front of a speeding bus and dies.  The end.


>                                                         This had

> become stationary


(ALL laugh.)

TOM: We should’ve saved that Inigo quote, kids.


>                   for the girls as time progressed. Immediately

> responding to this, three of the other four helped transport her


DOUG: (girl) “Light as a feather, heavy as lead, dead as a doornail - *lift*!”


> while the fifth and final girl Yan Lin traced the whereabouts of

> the final portal via her map,


LAURIE: (Yan) “Okay, if we get onto the Turnpike and take exit 5B, we’ll get there in an hour.”


>                               antique and enchanted.


TOM: Even though that *jerk* on ‘Antiques Roadshow’ said it was only worth $600.



> When the girls reached the location of the final portal,


BRIAN: The middle of Wal-Mart?

LAURIE: It *is* a portal of evil!


>                                                          the

> local power plant,


TOM: Okay, everyone, no ‘Simpsons’ jokes.  Too easy.


>                    they checked if the coast was clear before

> Nerissa let out her palm,


BRIAN: Good thing that meltdown had needed all the employees to evacuate before they arrived.


>                           causing the Heart of Kandrakar to

> emerge for the final time. It then proceeded to divide into five

> different colored teardrops,


SARAH: (singing) Red and yellow and pink and green, purple and orange and blue...


>                              one for each girl and element.

> Drifting towards each girl in the manner of her element, they

> changed them from average citizens to the super-powered,

> beautiful guardians of the veil.


LAURIE: The last repetitive transformation sequence, ladies and gentlemen!

(ALL cheer.)



> As soon as their brief transformations


BRIAN: But not brief enough.


>                                        were completed, the five

> guardians lined up together in front of the giant portal.


DOUG: Stock footage in fanfics - who knew?


>                                                           As

> they were about to magically shut it out of business,


SARAH: The weekly reactor-overheating began, and they were roasted by irradiated winds.


>                                                       Nerissa

> suddenly remembered the worst times she had experienced with her

> friends,


(ALL laugh.)

LAURIE: Nerissa’s corruption comes in huge, random leaps.

BRIAN: Time for their ‘Judgment Night’ story.


>          including Yan Lin accidentally spilt fresh from the wok

> Chinese food onto her lap when they were eight


TOM: Half her life, and there’s still scars shaped like mini-corn on her thighs.


>                                                and when Cassidy

> not once, but twice unintentionally “bumped” into her while she

> was on her red bicycle; a six-year-old Nerissa left the hospital

> emergency room with a cast and a pair of crutches for her broken

> leg.


DOUG: Nerissa’s bike was made of lead.


>      All these flashbacks


SARAH: Were exceedingly pathetic.

LAURIE: So, who’s more pathetic here - the character for holding these weak grudges, or the author for thinking they’re somehow dramatic?

SARAH: I think you know the answer.


>                           happened as her and their magic

> combined into one magical bullet


TOM: The same one that would drive JFK conspiracy theorists insane.


>                                  towards the portal, which

> exploded into infinity upon impact.


BRIAN: So, does that mean the portal consumed the whole world?

DOUG: It means the author was playing with Thesaurus.Com again and not quite getting it.



> Their celebration was a short one, however.


LAURIE: The cops arrested them for breaking local noise laws.


>                                             They didn’t even

> realize they were still in guardian form until


TOM: They went home and tried to fit into their pajamas.


>                                                Yan Lin flew into

> the air long after they were supposed to change back.


SARAH: They were?

BRIAN: (bitterly) *No*.  If Kate-chan had even passing familiarity with the source material, she’d know that.

SARAH: You’re not taking her meager reading comprehension into account, though.



> “What is going on?” Kadma stated, summing up everyone’s

> thoughts.


DOUG: Nah.  She’d have to say, (deep breath) “Duuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...”


>           “I thought we would change back as soon as we closed

> the twelfth portal!”


> “Maybe the Oracle himself wants to see us!” Yan Lin

> hypothesized.


SARAH: wow, a vocab word used semi-correctly!

TOM: Maybe this is a ‘Flowers for Algernon’ thing.

DOUG: I *hope* so.



> “That’s possible… but how would we get to Kandrakar?


LAURIE: (Yan) “Greyhound has a deal...”

BRIAN: (Nerissa) “*Hell*, no!”


>                                                      We can’t

> fly- only you can!


BRIAN: Don’t pretend you know any canon *now*...


>                    I also don’t thing we


LAURIE: Had an editor?


>                                          will actually go to the

> point of teleporting us there!” Nerissa pointed out.


TOM: As she pointily pointed at the point.

DOUG: What the heck is she talking about?



> “Well, Great Auntie Carole did tell me


SARAH: (Cassidy) “That if you chew your hair, you’ll cough up hairballs.”


>                                        you can reach Kandrakar

> by crossing an air-colored bridge…”


TOM: But first you have to climb up a tall vine, and you’ll have to pick up all the coins on it first.


>                                     Cassidy told Nerissa and the

> other guardians.


LAURIE: You know, the girl with the map and those other two.



> Halinor responded, “Interesting! Now to find the bridge…”


> As they were walking around the plant for the air-colored

> bridge,


DOUG: It should be glowing green by now, thanks to the power plant.


>         Nerissa started asking herself questions What would

> Kandrakar be like?


BRIAN: And will it have a Dairy Queen?


>                    What would the Oracle say to them, and what

> would happen to them?


TOM: He’ll probably tell them to bite him and laugh as they’re kicked out.


>                       Would the Oracle- No, he wouldn’t, no,

> couldn’t take the Heart away from her…


LAURIE: Nerissa thinks of herself in the third person often...


>                                        Cassidy’s great aunt had

> it with her the day they became guardians…


SARAH: Ris, you know how people like to steal office supplies after they’re fired?


>                                            But Nerissa kept

> thinking,


DOUG: And she walked right into a support column.


>           it was possible for her to have received the Heart

> from Kandrakar that day… Nerissa wouldn’t allow it!


LAURIE: Well, enough with this internal monologue!  Time for an outburst!



> “STOP!” the Keeper of the Heart suddenly yelled.




>                                                  The remaining

> guardians turned around and stared at her with expressions on

> their faces asking,


BRIAN: (girls) “What the hell has she been smoking?!”


>                     ‘What is going on?’


DOUG: Oh, nothing much.  Nerissa’s just going to snack on the scenery.



> “We… shouldn’t go to Kandrakar.” She replied to their body

> language.


> “Okay… and why shouldn’t we again?” Cassidy asked.


SARAH: (Nerissa) “It’s full of Massholes.”

BRIAN: (Cassidy) “You’re thinking of Boston again.”



> “Don’t you see? The Oracle may take away the very gifts no one

> else has!


LAURIE: Except for some superheroes, and the Sailor Scouts, and several teams of Power Rangers, and Aang and his friends.


>           I will not cross a bridge to a place where


DOUG: (Nerissa) “They don’t have any microbreweries.”


>                                                      I may lose

> the one thing that kept me going through


TOM: That semester of Health where the coach tried to explain human reproduction.


>                                          twelve headaches that

> were so severe aspirin couldn’t help me!”


LAURIE: How about Tylenol?  Excedrin?  Motrin?  Bayer?  Aleve?  Prozac?



> “We’re still going to be your friends, Nerissa…“ Cassidy

> attempted to reassure her.


SARAH: If Nerissa actually falls for this glurge, I’ll hurl.

TOM: and the odds of that are nil.  We’re dealing with exceptionally stupid characters written by an exceptionally stupid author.



> “YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND!” Nerissa screamed at the top of her





>                               YOU GUYS, I’M TALKING ABOUT THE



> All four other guardians were completely flabbergasted


LAURIE: (author) “Let’s see... what’s a long-looking word for ‘shocked’?  ...  Ooh, that has way more letters!”


>                                                        as the

> Keeper of the Heart and their fellow guardian turned and slowly

> walked towards them.


DOUG: I am so baffled by the blocking in this, I wouldn’t be surprised if they were all in different states.


>                      When she reached them, she said,


TOM: (Nerissa, hoarsely) “Anyone got a throat drop?”


>                                                       “I can

> always replace certain things. Friendship is one of them…


SARAH: So are your sneakers.  Your point?




> “Y-y-yes?”


> Nerissa moved back a couple of steps.


LAURIE: (Nerissa) “Her breath smells like garlic and gym shoes...”


>                                       “Come here!”


TOM: (Nerissa) “Good Cassidy!  Here’s your biscuit.”


>                                                    she yelled

> when she stopped. The water guardian slowly stepped towards her

> friend.


BRIAN: She has a brain the size of a sunflower seed.



> Cassidy didn’t expect for a second that Nerissa would wrap her

> hands around


ALL: Gah!


>              her neck.


ALL: Phew!

DOUG: You *know* fanfic has gotten bad when you can’t tell a murder scene from a sex scene.


>                        She could feel the life being sucked out

> of her as


LAURIE: Nerissa rammed a Shop Vac down her throat.


>           force was further applied; it felt great to breathe

> again when Nerissa released her grip and pushed her back.


SARAH: Wow, Nerissa’s bored already?  Her attention span’s shorter than the author’s.



> “Nerissa, why are you doing th-“ Cassidy didn’t even her

> sentence


BRIAN: Her brain shut down again.


>          when Nerissa blasted a hot-pink ray of magic at her to

> the point you couldn’t even see her.


DOUG: Look, you have way too many sentences in the shop.  Just start fresh, okay?


>                                      When everything cleared,

> Cassidy couldn’t be seen;


TOM: Everyone else had been blinded.


>                           she had been reduced to a tiny pile of

> soot.


SARAH: Dammit.  Get the Dust Buster.

TOM: Somehow, being reduced to ashes made her *smarter*.



> As Nerissa walked towards the remaining three guardians,


BRIAN: Wait, they just *stood* there?!  What the hell?!f

LAURIE: Worst.  Heroes.  Ever.


>                                                          whom

> obviously were appalled that anyone, especially a friend had

> killed one of them,


DOUG: And left a mess, too.


>                     an evil smile was pasted onto her face.


LAURIE: And her make-up had magically darkened, and she was wearing a black leather dominatrix outfit with fishnets and platform spike heels.


> Unlike their fallen guardian, however,


TOM: Their brains were the size of a cashew.

BRIAN: Maybe collectively.


>                                        they knew what could

> happen.


> “Oh no, you don’t!” Halinor exclaimed with anger.


LAURIE: (Halinor) “Oh, no, you di-hint!”



> “You may have killed one of us, you heartless creep, but the

> rest of us are ready to fight you!”


SARAH: It’s Knee-Jerk Theater.

LAURIE: Vengeance takes hold almost as fast as power madness.


>                                     Yan Lin said.


> “We’ll fight you with both our hearts beating as one!” Kadma

> yelled at Nerissa.


DOUG: (Kadma) “Halinor and I only have half a piece each.  Sorry.”



> “United we stand-“


> “Divided we fall-“


> “In our struggle to avenge Cassidy!”


TOM: And be as pretentious as possible doing it!



> End of Chapter Seven


> A/N: It’s going to be rrreeallly violent


DOUG: (excited) Does Black Adam show up and rip someone in half?


>                                          as far as I can tell

> next chappie!


SARAH: If it’s gonna be the author, then I’m all for it.



> Before you go and review, I would like to clear up two things:


DOUG: “I don’t know who took those photos, and I *definitely* don’t know why the goat was there.”



> 1) I know that it’s Thanos, not Thorus; the mountain’s name is

> changed for a reason:


BRIAN: You didn’t read the source material.


>                       It’s not named that yet!


LAURIE: It’s named ‘Rupert’.


>                                                The Oracle will

> change it at the end of this fanfic, honese injun.


SARAH: You mean ‘honese Native American’.



> 2) Okay, okay, so Cassidy actually died during the fight in the

> original W.I.T.C.H., but something intrigued me to somewhat

> alter it for some reason.


BRIAN: Because you can’t just admit that you didn’t read the source material, you lazy punk.



> Ja Ne!


> Kate-chan 91


> Two Tainted Hearts


> A fan fiction by Kate-chan 91


> Disclaimer: In case you're wondering, I don't make any money out

> of doing this


LAURIE: Thank God for that.


>               and I am just a fourteen-year-old advanced student


(ALL stare for a beat, then laugh in complete disbelief.)

TOM: I’m hoping it’s a school where ‘advanced’ is used in lieu of ‘special’ and that the standards haven’t fallen *this* low.


> just writing a fanwork. NOW DO YOU UNDERSTAND!


LAURIE: That you’re stupid and annoying?  Definitely.



> Kate-chan 91's tidbits (A/N): There are three more chapters to

> go;


SARAH: Crap.

DOUG: Better than ten.


>     I'll probably finish this by either tomorrow or late this

> Saturday if I get the creativity juices flowing.


BRIAN: See that bottle with the skull and crossbones on it?  The juices are in there - go drink it.



> Enjoy!


> Chapter Eight: Vengence for Cassidy


DOUG: Or ‘Kate-chan Tries to Describe an Epic Battle in under Ten Seconds’.



> 8888


> Time was non-existant during the battle which was not intended

> to be seen by mortal eyes.


LAURIE: Only the soulless eyes of tabloid reporters were there to observe it.


>                            Nerissa was the first to attack by

> harnessing the town's electricity, causing the first blackout in

> Heatherfield since electricity was initially introduced to the

> town.


SARAH: PSE&G should seriously think about consulting with that electric company.


>       She then proceeded into causing another severe

> thunderstorm, which had lightning bolts striking at the other

> guardians.


BRIAN: This is the weirdest game of Tag ever.

LAURIE: And you’d know.


>            Halinor, Kadma and Yan Lin barely avoided being hit

> when a lightning bolt struck a tree, causing it to fall to the

> ground and get set on fire.


TOM: Uh... are you saying the ground set it on fire?

DOUG: Unlike Centralia, Heatherfield was never evacuated after the mine fire started...


>                             Kadma then pointed her finger at the

> dirt,


LAURIE: (Kadma) “Ew!  Grotty little worms!”


>       which started moving towards the fire in order to

> estinguish it.


DOUG: I’m really hoping it’s one of those Sandworms from Dune under there, and it’s puckish.



> Nerissa was obviously very angry about this.


SARAH: Getting her beautiful flaming tree dirty - the nerve!


>                                              Screaming, she

> concentrated on the Heart and created a monster that was made

> out of the fire that was consuming another tree.


BRIAN: Y’know, it shouldn’t bother me by now, *but*...


>                                                  It then spat

> fireballs at the girls,


TOM: Too many hot wings?


>                         whom barely managed to dodge the attack.


DOUG: Those new lead boots they added to their uniforms turned out to be a miscalculation.



> "Kadma, what are we going to do? This is already completely

> rediculous!"


(DOUG groans.)

LAURIE: You shouldn’t be shocked that spell checker is too complicated by now, really.


>              Halinor yelled at the earth guardian after they

> dodged another three fireballs.


SARAH: (Kadma) “Dammit, Halinor, you’re supposed to be firing those at Nerissa!”



> "I'm thinking, I'm thinking!" she muttered as she pulled her

> hair.


TOM: Keep that up, and you’ll go bald.


>       Suddenly, she concoted a plan.


BRIAN: (Kadma) “Yan, you sing a ragtime number, and Halinor, you do exactly ten cartwheels - no more, no less.  And make sure you’re dressed like Edwardian poets!  I’ll go get the Cookie Crisp!”


>                                      "Yan Lin- you'll fly into

> the sky and alert us if anything comes up.


DOUG: If you’re not struck by lightning or anything...


>                                            Halinor- since you're

> now a sitting duck,


LAURIE: (Kadma) “You die, so we have someone else to mourn to give this scene some more weight.  It’s okay, though, since you’re homeless and all.”


>                     you'll hit Nerissa when Yan Lin gives you

> this signal,"


BRIAN: Flipping someone off isn’t really a good signal.


>               she whispered to them as she flapped her arms up

> and down like a bird would do.


SARAH: Yeah, flailing around like an idiot - Nerissa will *never* notice that.

TOM: Given the level of intelligence, she probably wouldn’t.



> "What are you going to do?" Yan Lin asked.


DOUG: (Kadma) “Leave town.  You suckers are on your own.”



> "I'll keep extinguishing the flames from the lightning that hits

> the tree."


BRIAN: (Kadma) “From my lawn chair, while I drink some fine wine.”



> "Now let's go kick some butt!" Yan Lin yelled as the girls

> seperated to their assigned positions.


LAURIE: Strategic attack or middle-school talent show sketch?  You make the call.



> 8888


> Back at Kandrakar, the Oracle was in the Circle of Knowing,

> witnessing the battle with a sad look pasted on his face.


SARAH: (Oracle) “I thought this was gonna be a Phils game...”



> "What's wrong, Oracle?" Tibor asked the all-powerful being.


TOM: (Oracle) “They cancelled ‘Creature Comforts’.”



> "Luba was right... something awful was going to happen."


DOUG: Well, it’s too late now to play Armchair Omnipotent Being.



> "What is it?"


BRIAN: Honestly?  Natural selection in action.



> "The Keeper of the Heart, Nerissa, has destroyed a fellow

> guardian."


TOM: (Oracle) “Granted, it was the dumbest of the guardians, but it’s the *principle* of the matter.”


>            The Oracle then thought, What have I done?


LAURIE: (Oracle) “Oh, that’s right - nothing.  That’s what I usually do.”



> 8888


SARAH: Y’know, I have enough of my powers left to see what the Domos had planned for us had we not been cancelled.

TOM: And...?

SARAH: This wouldn’t be our only Kate-chan masterpiece.  He had a ‘Wallace and Gromit’ story she did.

DOUG: Lord, don’t even tell me...

SARAH: They go to America to visit the Wensleydale cheese factory.

(DOUG audibly smacks his head.)

TOM: But Wensleydale isn’t a brand name.

SARAH: Yes, and ten minutes on Google would reveal that.  Any author other than Kate-chan would have the attention span to do that.  But at least we won’t have to go through this sort of torture twice.

(An intercom crackles as it’s turned on.)

MAJOR: (over the intercom) What can I say?  You needed to suffer for your art.

TOM: And your art was making us suffer, right?

MAJOR: Precisely.  Now back at it.  It’s a finale, so make it good. (intercom shuts off)



> Though it seemed to have lasted for a longer time,


BRIAN: The story was only in its eighth chapter, not its eightieth.


>                                                    the struggle

> continued for about another couple of minutes or so.


LAURIE: Before the author saw something shiny and got distracted.


>                                                      The three

> girls, injured and tired, seemed to have been losing when


DOUG: A 15-ton weight fell out of nowhere on Nerissa.


>                                                           Yan

> Lin noticed that Nerissa was talking to the cornered Kadma,


LAURIE: (Nerissa) “Should I go with the skin-tight black catsuit or the pasties and hot pants for my new evil costume?”

SARAH: (Kadma) “Catsuit, but with a boob window.”


>                                                             she

> then flapped her arms up and down.


TOM: Yan always did the Chicken Dance when she was panicking.


>                                    Responding to this, Halinor


BRIAN: Flapped her arms and clapped four times.


> aimed her hands at Nerissa, and started concentrating her energy

> on her.


DOUG: (bombastically) The *focused totality* of her magical power!


>         Suddenly, orange-colored magic emerged from her hands

> and hit the target.


SARAH: Hadouken!

BRIAN: Yoga Fire!


>                     Nerissa flew into the air and landed in a

> tree.


LAURIE: Ladies and gentlemen, the first supervillain stopped by a glorified hot foot.



> 8888


> As Nerissa groaned in pain, the Oracle yelled,


TOM: (Oracle) “They could’ve *tripped* her and won with more dignity than that!”


>                                                "That's enough!


DOUG: (Oracle) “Put ‘Ninja Warrior’ back on.”


> The other guardians have finally made her too weak to fight back

> I'll bring them here for a trial.


TOM: The Oracle or Jimmy’s friend from ‘Prince of Space’ - you make the call.


>                                   Get everyone ready, Tibor."

> The advisor immediately followed this order


BRIAN: After a Dunkin Donuts stop...


>                                             as he left the

> Oracle for the first time in over 3,000 years,


SARAH: Uh... someone needs to sit down with Tibor and the Oracle and teach them all about codependence.


>                                                alerting every

> council member to report to the Temple of Kandrakar as soon as

> possible.


LAURIE: And yes, there’d be a free lunch.



> End of Chapter Eight


> A/N: Did you like or hate this chapter?


SARAH: You’re not ready to hear it.


>                                         Please review and let me

> know! The very next chapter will compose of Nerissa's trial and

> punishment.


DOUG: Oh, boy!  Get ready for some ‘Law & Order’ style legal drama!

BRIAN: Good, old-school ‘Law & Order’ when they were semi-accurate, or crappy newer ripped-from-the-headlines ‘Law & Order’?

DOUG: I think you know which we’ll be getting.



> Ja Ne!


> Kate-chan 91


> Two Tainted Hearts


> A fan fiction by Kate-chan 91


> Disclaimer: Me + W.I.T.C.H. + copyright laws equals: non-

> existant


LAURIE: Kate-chan minus logic divided by attention span minus research multiplied by ego plus twee-ness equals *agonizing headache*.



> Kate-chan 91's tidbits (A/N): Here's the second to last chapter!


TOM: Yay!  (sing-song)  Only two more chapters!  Only two more chapters!



> Chapter Nine: Nerissa's Punishment


LAURIE: A detail by detail account of how Nerissa had her phone privileges revoked.



> 9999


> Everyone in the Temple of Kandrakar were silent


DOUG: Is it even worth commenting on at this point...?

TOM: Uh... that *was* a comment.


>                                                 as the Oracle,


BRIAN: The Lazy Guy.


> Tibor


BRIAN: The Remora.


>       and Luba


BRIAN: The Catty Smart Person.

DOUG: Jiffy-Luba.


>                conversed with each other about


SARAH: The new toner cartridge guys and should they switch again.


>                                                the case of the

> Keeper of the Heart gone bad-



BRIAN: Lillian?

TOM: Ma-Ti?

(KIDS look at TOM.)

TOM: It’s called a call-back.

KIDS: Oohhh...


>                               Nerissa.


SARAH: Oh, yeah.  *Her*.


>                                        After all, they were

> currently in the process of establishing a verdict.


LAURIE: Oh, just flip a coin for it.


>                                                     Some, like

> Yan Lin's, mouths were dry as the spellbounding Sahara Desert so

> they could therefore not speak.


ALL: (after a pause) What?!

DOUG: That’s why there was a factory-issued recall on that sentence.


>                                 Others, in some cases,


SARAH: Were knee-deep in a metaphor about Antarctica.


>                                                        were

> simply curious about what was going to happen to a guardian.


BRIAN: And would this bar her permanently from the Hall of Fame.

TOM: You’re thinking of Pete Rose again, right?


>                                                              The

> rest, however, were simply patiently waiting as they usually

> did.


LAURIE: Those smuggled-in iPods helped, though.



> Finally, the three pulled apart from each other


DOUG: After being stuck in a Siamese Human Knot.


>                                                 and the Oracle,

> accompanied by Tibor,


BRIAN: Who’s somehow more Smithersy than Smithers.


>                       started talking in an unusually sad voice.


TOM: (Oracle) “I am afraid ‘Jericho’ has been cancelled again.  You have my condolences.”


> "When I assigned these bright young ladies as the latest


DOUG: (Oracle) “Featured dancers.”


> guardians of the veil, even I could not


LAURIE: (Oracle) “Figure out why.”


>                                         predict what would

> happen after doing so.


SARAH: Even thought that’s kind of his schtick.


>                        Aside from being on task,


TOM: Wow.  Even timeless, immortal otherworldly beings use boardroom slang.


>                                                  not only has

> the Keeper of the Heart figured out how to manipulate it,


BRIAN: (Oracle) “She also learned how to make really good scrambled eggs with it!”


>                                                           but

> she has also caused death and destruction,


SARAH: (Oracle) “And even worse, commissioned the construction of a Wal-Mart.”


>                                            even going to the

> extent of intentionally slaying a fellow guardian.


LAURIE: (Oracle) “Granted, a really stupid fellow guardian, but still!”


>                                                    Because of

> this, she has been sentenced to


DOUG: Fold the laundry for everyone.  And no mixing up whose robes are whose!


>                                 be eternally imprisioned


TOM: (bad French accent) She shall be immprisioned fer ze rest of ‘er liff!  Oh-huh-huh!


>                                                          on

> Mount Thanos."


> The concilmen immediately murmuring about this.


SARAH: (whispered) “I thought there was a ski resort there.”

LAURIE: (whispered) “Yeah, that one with the indoor water park.”


>                                                 What did he mean

> by this?


BRIAN: Surely, he meant to send Nerissa to Mount Nev-R-Escape.


>          Eventually, a confused concil member asked to the

> Oracle:


DOUG: (council member) “Have you seen my glasses?”

TOM: (Oracle) “They’re on your head.”


>         "What do you mean by Mount Thanos, sir?"


LAURIE: (Oracle) “It’s a mountain - a big, cold chunk of rock - and that’s its name.”



> "Mount Thanos is the new name for Mount Thorus.


TOM: The name changed after the buy-out.


>                                                 That name, so

> notorious already,


SARAH: It was the Action Park of winter resorts.


>                    has become so tainted that it's impossible

> for few to tolerate the mere mention of it."


LAURIE: (Oracle) “Like right now.  See how most of you writhe in agony whenever I say ‘Mount Thorus’?”



> Nerissa gulped as she was then asked to hold out her palm

> towards Luba.


DOUG: (Luba) “No, dear, flip it over - I need to smack your *knuckles*.”


>               It was then that the Heart of Kandrakar appeared

> above her hand and Luba confiscated it.


SARAH: No pagers, cell phones, or magical items in class.


>                                         A sight which would

> never escape the guardian's minds then occured as


BRIAN: Someone kindly passed around copies of the actual comics to see just how more interesting the ambush of Cassidy and the accusations towards the Oracle at the trial were compared to *this*.


>                                                   the former

> Keeper of the Heart


TOM: Cried like a paid mourner.


>                     was then picked up by some concil members


SARAH: (‘concil’ member) “Hey, Earl, you want the end that kicks or the end that bites?”


> and placed in what resembled a marble coffin


LAURIE: It was actually a plain stone coffin with a paint job.  Much cheaper.


>                                              with a symbol

> resembling the Heart chistled into it.


DOUG: Dude, that’s insult to injury.  It’s like carving Superman’s logo onto Lex Luthor’s grave.

LAURIE: Nerissa’s being really cooperative about her entombment.


>                                        It was then closed and

> taken away as the eternally trapped Nerissa was still screeching

> and pounding inside.


LAURIE: Or not.

TOM: (Nerissa, panicked) “There’s a rat in here!”



> Though they were still shocked by what they saw,


BRIAN: They expected a glass coffin.


>                                                  the guardians

> obeyed when the Oracle asked them to come closer in front of

> them.


TOM: They now knew what would happen if they didn’t.



> "So you're the Oracle, sir?" Yan Lin asked in amazement.


DOUG: That’s what the nametag says.



> The Oracle nodded. "You are correct, Yan Lin.


TOM: (Oracle) “You get a gold star.”


>                                               Do you three know

> why you are here?"


SARAH: (guardian, anxiously) “You wanna congratulate us?”



> "To congratulate us for a good job, sir?" Kadma questioned him.


SARAH: Argh!

TOM: Oh!  And you were having a good run there, too.  Well, one last recoil for the road.



> "That's part of it.


BRIAN: (Oracle) “I also want to play ‘Jeopardy’.”


>                     Kadma, Halinor, Yan Lin-


LAURIE: (Oracle) “You’re fired.  Your coffins are over there, so hop in and make this easier for everyone.”


>                                              All of you and your

> fallen guardians you've completed


DOUG: Fwah?


>                                   your task faster and with more

> determination than any other guardians I ever assigned.


TOM: (Oracle) “Granted, all I asked for was a patch, and your grandkids will have to do the job again, but still...”


>                                                         Because

> of this, I'm wondering if you would like to be in a special

> mission sometime in the future."


BRIAN: One where you ignore clear-as-day plot points from the comics because of your questionable reading comprehension?



> "What kind of special mission?" Halinor asked.


> The Oracle just smiled. "You'll find out eventually."


SARAH: And the seeds for a mind-scarring slash fic are sewn.


>                                                       It was

> then that he concentrated his energy on the girls, who started

> glowing.


DOUG: Looks like it grows pretty quickly...


>          As the light intensified, the Oracle asked someone in

> the shadows,


LAURIE: (Oracle) “It’s in the oven, right?  Are you *sure* she’s stopped screaming?”


>              "Would you like to say good-bye to your friends

> before they go home?" The shadowy figure then walked out with a

> smile on her face, waving farewell. As it turned out, it was

> Cassidy.


TOM: Three... two... one...



> "Good-bye! I'll miss you!"


ALL: *Gaaaagg*!


>                            Cassidy said as her friends

> frantically waved good-bye- and then vanished, being transported

> back to Earth.


> End of Chapter Nine


BRIAN: Now try to justify your changes *this* time.



> A/N: This is the second to last chapter.


BRIAN: See?  You *can’t*.  You don’t even care that most of your readers know you’re a piker.

TOM: Let it go, man!


>                                          I hope you enjoyed

> reading up to this chapter.


> Ja Ne!


> Kate-chan 91


> Two Tainted Hearts


> A fan fiction by Kate-chan 91


> Disclaimer: Here's the math:


LAURIE: “One plus one equals... (long pause) eleven?”


>                              I was born in August 1991,


SARAH: Where?  We need to narrow this down for when we order the hit.


>                                                         while

> W.I.T.C.H. was originally published in Italy in April (I think

> that was the month) 2001.


BRIAN: Only to be brought over slowly and agonizingly in an awkward format in America four years later, unless you wanna spring for copies from the Philippines that are only two years behind.


>                           What age would I have been at the

> time?


TOM: If we’re talking mental age, same as you are now.



> Kate-chan 91's tidbits (A/N): Here it is: the final chapter of

> my second W.I.T.C.H. fanfic.


(ALL cheer wildly.)


>                              I hope y'all liked it.


(The cheering tapers off into low, subdued groans of disagreement.)



> Enjoy...


DOUG: When you say it like that, it’s oddly sinister.



> Chapter Ten: Till We Meet Again


> 10101010


SARAH: Hey, she’s cursing at us in binary!

TOM: Well, back atcha!



> Shortly after Nerissa was sent to the recently renamed Mount

> Thanos,


LAURIE: Beautiful Mount Thanos Lodge.


>         Halinor, Kadma and Yan Lin returned to Earth in order to

> try to relive normal lives.


DOUG: The double murder investigation put a quick end to that.


>                             However, they still had one more

> thing to deal with before they would actually try to go on with

> their lives: Cassidy's funeral.


SARAH: Vomit bags at the ready...


>                                 True, there was no body to

> honor, but their late friend deserved it.


BRIAN: As for Nerissa, screw her!  She had no friends or relatives to wonder where she went, so forget about her.



> Because it would be difficult to explian how Cassidy died,


DOUG: So they decided to *explain* it instead.


>                                                            her

> Greataunt Carole lied to the school secretary by telling her

> that


LAURIE: She never had a niece - what was she talking about?

TOM: A lion jumped out and vaporized her.


>      she had moved to California to live with her older sister;


BRIAN: The one riding with the Outlaws?


> the old woman bought it despite the fact no older sister even

> existed.


TOM: Well, what do you expect?  She’s *old*.

SARAH: But in Kate-chan’s world, thirty is probably considered old.


>          By doing this, she was able to protect the existence of

> Kandrakar and the veil.


DOUG: But Kandrakar had already bought off the FBI, so it was kind of unnecessary.


>                         She then scheduled the private funeral

> to occur on Saturday afternoon.


TOM: That way, no one would miss their favorite cartoons.



> 10101010


SARAH: Back atcha, foul mouth.



> After what seemed like a long week (even though it in reality

> only two days),


TOM: (disgruntled) Gah... kids today with their two-day weeks and their Nickelbacks and their hy-breed cars...


>                 it was Saturday afternoon and the three

> remaining ex-guardians gathered at Greataunt Carole's home.


BRIAN: The old lady stench kept all but the strongest at bay.


> While Kadma, Halinor and Greataunt Carole wore all black while

> Yan Lin, the sole Chinese girl, wore the traditional (in her

> culture) white.


LAURIE: While Marina the town bimbo wore hot pink to get attention.



> During the ceremony, everyone wrote what they missed the most

> about Cassidy on sheets of stationary.


SARAH: (girl) “I’ll miss your total lack of individual characterization and trite speeches about friendship so much...”  (starts fake sobbing)


>                                        After reading what they

> wrote,


DOUG: (Carole) “A-hem...  A pound of Swiss, two loaves of bread, Miracle Whip...  Oh.  Oops.”


>        they placed the notes and some fresh cut flowers into a

> small wooden chest.


BRIAN: That should keep the kudzu in check.

LAURIE: Now - it’s *supposed* to grow and consume all, as an eternal memorial.


>                     As Greataunt Carole finished digging,


TOM: After her massive heart attack.

DOUG: Yes, they can seal away evil, but when it comes to working in the dirt, they leave it for the senior citizen.


>                                                           the

> three girls sat crosslegged on the grass talking about their

> friend.


SARAH: Who, it seems, was buried next to Nippy the Ferret in the backyard.

TOM: (girl) “Any second now, her hand will pop up like in ‘Carrie’.”

SARAH: Uh... no body?

TOM: Oh, right.



> "I can't believe she's gone-


LAURIE: (Halinor) “She never returned my earrings, either.”


>                              she didn't know what hit

> her...'Didn't deserve it, that's for sure." Halinor said.


BRIAN: And when someone says that, they really mean that they had it coming.



> "Do you think we're ever going to see Cassidy and Kandrakar

> again?"


> "You know Yan Lin," responded Kadma, "I believe we'll definitely

> see them again- I can just feel it- I don't know how or when,

> but we will.


DOUG: Kadma, stop reading that greeting card and say something genuine.


>              It's just like what the Oracle said- he wants us to

> complete another mission.


BRIAN: One that goes against how it actually happened in the series, but hey, who’s paying attention?


>                           Maybe we'll see again then."


SARAH: You mean they’ll have this same conversation *twice*?



> Yan Lin replied, "I hope we do, so that way we will just have to

> keep sharing ourhappiness with each other- united as one!"


SARAH: I’m *going* to *hurl*.

LAURIE: The Power of Cliché shall protect them from harm!



> All three girls hugged each other as they got off the grass to

> have lunch,


TOM: Spoiled ham on moldy bread with stale chips - the traditional Grandma lunch.

DOUG: Their butts getting all soggy and itchy from the lawn...


>             waiting for the day that will once again bring them

> in some way or the other back to Kandrakar.


BRIAN: So... the group suicide, then.





LAURIE: We don’t believe you, Kate-chan - there’s no way we’re gonna get to leave with that being the last word.



> A/N:


LAURIE: See?  I knew it!


>      So, what did you think of my fifth published fanfic?


BRIAN and DOUG: (a la ‘Men on Film’) Hated it!

SARAH: ‘Posted online’ isn’t the same thing as ‘published’.


>                                                           Did

> you like it and wish it could continue, or did you hate it and

> you're glad that it's over with?


TOM: By now, the answer should be more than obvious.


>                                  Please submit a rave or

> constructive flame if you can.


SARAH: “And by ‘constructive flame’, I mean ‘rave’.”


>                                (And in case you're wondering:


LAURIE: “The lobotomy’s scheduled for next week.”


> I'm going to publish a new W.I.T.C.H. fanfic in February


ALL: Nooooo!


>                                                          that

> happens to be the sequel to


DOUG: The ‘Godfather’ trilogy.  Don’t ask how, but it is.


>                             one of my most popular fanfics

> "Elemental Poetry Slam".


BRIAN: Wow.  Just when I thought that Fanfiction.Net wasn’t a *total* pit...


>                          Wait for it!)


TOM: In the fallout shelter of your choice.



> Overall, I hope you enjoyed reading this


DOUG: Don’t hope *too* much.


>                                          and please have a

> wonderful day.


DOUG: In the words of Grandpa Trotter, “There’s a moral in this story somewhere, but for the life of me, I can’t find it.”

BRIAN: I can.

DOUG: Yeah?



> Ja Ne!


BRIAN: Yeah.  Before you say you’re a fan of a series and start writing fanfiction for it, maybe you want to actually *read* some of it first so you don’t look like a total moron.

LAURIE: I think that’d happen even if she had, though.

TOM: Let’s get out of here, please!

SARAH: Gladly.  Even oblivion is better than more Kate-chan.

DOUG: (picking up TOM) Well...

(ALL exit.)



> Kate-chan 91



SARAH: (off-screen) Good-bye and good riddance!


[One last time, the doors... and the BRIDGE.]


[The BRIDGE is dark and completely empty.  What appears to be a layer of dust has settled over everything.  On the desktop, there is a small sign: ‘COMING SOON - SHOCK OF LOVE WITH ELECTRO’.]


[Cut to: CONTROL ROOM.  It, too, is empty and darkened; however, out of a large door in the background, light from a hallway and noise are leaking into view.  The noise happens to be that of very rowdy children’s cheering and laughter, punctuated by the occasional scream of pain from MAJOR DOMO.]


MINOR: (from hallway, over the children’s laughter) Okay, X-Babies, hit the piñata harder!  You’ve almost got the candy!  Whee!

MAJOR: No!  For the love of Mojo!


[A loud ‘WHACK’ is heard, followed by another scream that deteriorates into crying.  As MINOR cheers with the children, the door slowly closes, plunging the scene into darkness.]


[Cut to: A dimly lit apartment bedroom in Wisconsin.  TOM groggily wakes up and sits up; one side of his dome is flattened from bed-head.  He shakes his head moves to the door.]


TOM: (to himself) What a strange dream...  That’s the last time I eat pot roast and borrow Crow’s comics to read before bed...


[The scene fades as TOM exits his bedroom.]


[Cut to: A small, well-landscaped college campus’ entry gate.  The seal by the gate reads: ‘Wilkins College’.  Over the stone-carved motto has been duct taped sign reading: ‘Should’ve Taken That Correspondence Course Instead’.  After a beat, WANDA - dressed in a maroon business suit - walks through the gate; in her hands are the two safety caskets full of leftover subjects.  She stares off in either direction for a moment.]


WANDA: Funny... this doesn’t suit this place at all.  Well, here goes...


[WANDA snaps her fingers and, again, the red smoke fills the screen...]




   Wilkins College was opened in 1947,” said the student tour guide; a slightly crooked name tag that read ‘Hello, My Name Is DOUG (Soph.)’ was stuck to his Batman T-shirt.  While he did his best to keep his voice calm and friendly, the mildly sick quality of his smile made it clear that public speaking was not his strong suit.  If being a tour guide didn’t give him an excuse to wander the campus freely without missing a class, he’d probably be safe and happy in the library.

   “Before 1947, Wilkins was a town, mostly owned by the Wilkins family and their in-laws,” Doug continued.  The three newly accepted students did their best to feign interest in what he was saying; more than anything, however, they just wanted to know which old storefront was refitted into a dormitory and which was the cafeteria.  “The town was just over a half mile in size.  When the family matriarch died, her will contained instructions to convert the town into an educational institution.  Since ninety percent of the town was related to her in some way, they had to comply.”

   “What happened to the other ten percent?” asked one of the new attendees on the tour, a young man of African-American and Hispanic descent with a nametag reading ‘Brian’.

   “Most of the residents either found non-faculty jobs or moved to Cherry Hill,” explained Doug.  “Which is why there’s a good-sized chunk of Cherry Hill that hates our guts.  Moving on...  Here we see the main class building, Feldman Hall.  It used to be the city hall, built in 1734.  And next door is the secondary class building, which used to be a bank.  Built in 1736. And-”

   “Uh, excuse me?” a blond-haired, timid girl with a nametag labeled ‘Laurie’ on her chest asked.  “Are you sure those aren’t street addresses?”

   Doug froze for a moment.  At that very instant, he realized that his instructor had managed to pull his leg without him even fathoming the concept.  For a nanosecond, he blushed in embarrassment, then hastily regained his calm exterior.

   “Of course not,” Doug said with what he hoped would sound like a dismissive laugh.  “They just added a new building every other year.  The Wilkins family went waaaaaaaaay back.”

   “So how inbred were they by 1947?” snidely asked the second girl, a dark-haired, pale young woman with the nametag of ‘Sarah’.

   “Look, do you want to go here or go to Rutgers like everyone else?” Doug sighed in frustration.  The three newly enrolled students looked among themselves and shrugged.  “C’mon, let’s go check out the lab.”

   The group screeched to a halt, however, as a woman in a maroon dress suit with a matching dye job approached them.  In either hand she held a secure-looking silver briefcase.  For a moment, the kids froze; the cases were alarmingly similar to those that were shown in movies to contain such delightful items as small atomic bombs or chemical weapons.

   “Excuse me,” the woman asked, her words twinged with a soft Slavic accent.  “I have some old film works to donate to the Communications department.  They need to be climate controlled.”  She smiled pleasantly and sincerely, as though she knew what was on the students’ minds.  “I wanted to donate them, but I can’t find the building.”

   “It’s the one behind the lab, with the empty marquee,” Doug explained, pointing in the direction of the proper facility.

   “Thank you very much,” the woman said before she left.

   For a moment the students stood around in an awkward silence.  The occasional sniff or ‘hmmm’ was all that any of them could muster.  Finally, Laurie shyly raised a hand and spoke.

   “Did anyone find that lady oddly familiar?” asked Laurie.

   Doug shook his head.  “Probably an ex-resident,” he suggested.  “C’mon, let’s check out that lab.”




   The Wilkins family that lent its name to the college once had quite a thriving small ex-town.  According to the records, they owned a boutique, a hardware store, a garage, two different grocery stores, and a movie theater.  Most of these were torn down or completely restructured when the former town of Wilkins was converted into a college; however, the theater remained, redrafted into serving as a home for the school’s theater and communications departments, as well as the student television and radio stations.  Being the least popular majors in the school, they were usually left to their own devices and had no interference from students that weren’t interested in either field.

   That ‘hands off’ treatment was what made the appearance of the stranger in the red dress suit so much odder.  Luckily for her, the students in charge of the stations were too involved in their meeting to notice her.

   “I swear, if one more person suggests reruns of Dobie Gillis, I’m gonna hit something,” grumbled Max Vecchio (program director and junior).  He watched wearily as his advisor mulled over his objection and knew that it had, once again, fallen on deaf ears.

   “We need to air something,” Professor Milo Seltzer said dully, just as he had to every option the students had suggested before and was probably planning to do for every future one as well.  “I’ll be working for Rutgers before I let the Poli-Sci jackasses put one more useless ‘current affairs’ program on the air.  This school gets eight all-news networks on their cable package, and I will not be the ninth.”

   “Well, our volunteers need something to do, too,” Zoe Eaton (assistant program director and junior) suggested.  “They’re out in the satellite, and the only time they have something to do besides watch TV is when we transmit a class for them.  They’re getting restless.”

   “Besides, they’ve got a better cable line-up than we do,” Prof. Seltzer said bitterly.

   “Maybe, if we’re really desperate, we could ask Kevin for ideas,” Max warily suggested.

   “Max?” Zoe began sternly.  “No one here is that desperate.  No one.”

   Just then, there was a knock on the door.  With a heavy sigh, Prof. Seltzer stood up and walked towards it; the moment his hand touched the doorknob, he paused and turned to his students.

   “If it’s a Poli-Sci snot again, I’m going to punch them,” he began, “and you never saw it.”

   “Understood, sir,” Max replied.

   Prof. Seltzer opened the door and found himself staring at the woman in the red suit again.  She wordlessly placed the handles of her two briefcases into his hands, then smiled kindly.

   “Hello, professor,” said the woman.  “I believe I have a solution for your problems...”



Mystery Science Theater 3000 and all related concepts and characters are © Best Brains, 2008.  X-Men, New Mutants, New X-Men: Academy X, the Mojoverse, and all related concepts & characters are © Marvel Comics, 2008.  W.I.T.C.H. and all related concepts & characters are © Disney and its various international subsidiaries, 2008.  Captain Planet and all related concepts & characters are © Ted Turner, DiC, Hanna-Barbera, and Time-Warner, 2008.  All songs used in the stories are © their respective artists, record companies, and rights holders, 2008.  I don’t have the patience to research the exact ones to list, so that will have to suffice.  All other concepts, locations, and characters are © 2008, Melanie S. Nazelrod.


“Strong Spirit” is © CosmicGiraffe/Hay Lin/HayLinAir, 2008.  “Here’s My Heart” is © Nina Bechtold, 2008.  “Two Tainted Hearts” is © Kate-chan 91, 2008.  This MiSTing and the Mojoverse Science Theatre 2099 format is © Melanie S. “Mela” Nazelrod, 2008, though I doubt anyone will be dumb enough to want to use it.


Picture references for the Marvel characters, with artist credits:


The author of this MiSTing can be contacted at if interested.


Newberry Award winners - when they grow up, they want to be Lifetime Movies of the Week.


Wensleydale is a city in England and the namesake for a variety of cheese that was first made there; I recommend it with cranberries in it, available at Wegmans.  I do not, however, recommend Kate-chan’s ‘Wallace & Gromit’ story.  But really, that should be a given.  So should eating fine cheeses.


Lastly, thanks if you made it this far.  Hope you had fun.






> Disclaimer: What’s the definition of the word “FAN fiction”?



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